Problematic Fuck-Ups

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I never told you what I do for a living

"So what are you doing exactly?"

I stopped typing, finally letting Frank know that I was actually starting to acknowledge his existence now. I started ignoring him soon after I knew I was off the hook, telling myself that it was safer to not get further involved with this man and I had shamed myself into thinking of the dangers of becoming anything more than strangers with this man.

"In what way, exactly, has what I'm typing here does it concern you?"

Frank tried to peak around the screen to peak at the source code I had been typing up and frowned when I shielded my laptop away from him slightly, closing it a bit so I knew he wouldn't be able to catch onto whatever I had wrote so far. Frank looked saddened at my secretiveness about my work as he slumped back into his seat in defeat.

"I only wanted to make conversation, stop being so defensive, Gerard."

There was something about the way Frank said my name, the way it sounded like he was trying to accuse me of something, the way Frank had looked up from the table at me as if he was awaiting some giant outburst from me, looking a little disappointed a few moments later when he didn't seem to get the reaction that he had been expecting from me. Maybe Frank here was in the loop, and knew more about me than he was letting on.

Maybe Frank was a friend of Mikey's, that could be a possibility. He could've known Mikey from when he finally got into his education, they got split up somewhere down the line and this could be Frank looking about in search of his friend.

That did seem a little too far fetched, no one would go through all of this trouble just for one friend, that they didn't even know their whole life. Besides, Mikey would've mentioned whether he had a friend named Frank, Mikey was always one for coming home and telling me these stories about the other kids and how much fun he was finally experiencing.

And, if by chance, Frank just so happened to be here, talking to me to find out about Mikey and the whereabouts of Mikey, then why would he come to me? Why would he even bother to beat around the bush and take the scenic route? Why would Frank go through all of this effort to find Mikey, give up on my brother only to annoy me?

It was a highly unbelievable scenario, even for my taste of drama.

Even so, it would've been way too hard for Frank to ever find me compared to Mikey. Mikey was away to find, he wasn't hidden from the radar, he was too steps around the corner, in plain sight for everyone to see.

I, however, was a very different story.

Of course, Mikey was someone who had easy access to me, was able to contact me straight away at any given moment and I was easy for him to find. Maybe that was because I wanted to be found by Mikey. Other than Mikey, I wasn't known on a wide basis. I did just so happen to work on the internet, building the newest, most powerful systems to protect you, your information and your computer, I got money for it via an alias and I was sorted.

I was well hidden, using specifically my most update software and source codes for my computer to protect myself, only appearing in the radar and public when it was absolutely necessary and disappearing before I could be found.

It was hard, by all means, I barely got any sleep and I became a lot more paranoid. I barely saw sunlight sometimes and it was something that drained me completely, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

I started saving the work I had completed so far, closing down files and locking the computer. I closed the lid, sliding my laptop into my bag and stood up, drinking the last of my coffee and deciding to leave the cup there this time, not knowing whether Frank was going to be a good citizen and return the cup or directly follow after me.

Frank went through with the latter option, standing up and walking briskly behind me, his footsteps still heard loudly despite the chatter set throughout the cafe and we got out. When I turned left, Frank would turn left with me, when I turned right, Frank would turn right with me. As I walked I didn't know where to lead Frank to, the silence between us was excruciatingly painful to listen to, the fact that Frank wasn't talking kind of hurt my heart.

Frank's voice was nice, he spoke softly when he wanted to and that created a nice, happy feeling for me. The feeling I really enjoyed but rarely experienced. Frank's smile was beautifully heartwarming, too. Especially when he would be smiling, to nobody in particular, about anything he wanted to think about, really.

I guess that's why I didn't want to dispose of Frank just yet.

Despite being an annoying little bitch, he just so happened to be an annoying little bitch that made me smile on the inside. Of course I wasn't allowed to smile on the outside with Frank around, that would probably make him smile and speak even more, making me happier which seems to make me feel uneasy right now.

"Hey, Gerard."

I looked at the shorter man, giving him a curt nod as if telling him to continue, but had the surprise of my life when I felt the small man push me backwards into an empty alleyway and up against a wall, Frank suddenly producing a fuck tonne of strength that I never would have guessed that the small guy would've possessed.

"How the fuck did you find out where I live?"

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now