Bite Me

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I never told you what I do for a living

"You're really cute." I look up at Frank and smile, tugging down on the oversized shirt he had given me in a vain attempt to cover up my legs a little better but gave up as I walk further into his room and sit down on the edge of his bed gingerly.

Frank slides his arms around me and pulls me in for another kiss, something we had been doing constantly since we got back to his home, every time we caught each other staring at each other, every time we felt cold, in between drying off our hair with a towel and whenever we just wanted to kiss each other, feeling as if though we couldn't ever get tired of laying there and kissing each other. We didn't get tired of each other, we had spent a good two hours laying there kissing.

"You're pretty cute too but I'm pretty hungry and I don't wanna eat you." Frank frowns playfully, he let's go of me and watches me get up off of him and his bed, "So I don't look good enough for you to eat? Are you sure about that?"

I stop to watch Frank suspiciously as he gets up too and approaches me, moving my hands down so they were resting on his butt before he wraps his arms around my neck, "Are you sure there isn't anything you wanna eat out?" Frank asks again, this time playing around with his words and I smirk at him, shaking my head at how silly he was being right now, lifting up his top before pushing my hands under the waistband of his boxers so I could really grab onto his ass.

"That's dirty talk, Frankie."

Frank bites his lip to hold back any noises that were travelling up his throat at my fondling of his ass and forces himself to smirk, "Is it dirty enough to get you into bed and moaning my name like the local whore?" I lean in closer to him, hovering my lips over his and smirked at the desperation for me to just move in and fuck him senseless was there.

"Oh but I can't moan as much as you, baby." I whispered, grabbing his ass once more before dragging my bitten down nails along his flesh and pulling away from him, making my way down the stairs and let Frank follow behind me, "You can't call me a whore in my own home, that's bullying." I sit down at the table in his living room, propping my feet up on said table and grab the cigarette box, taking one and lighting it up whilst Frank stands there, pouting, "You're a big bully."

"Why? You wanna give me a lap dance? Aw, baby, maybe some other time when you're not as shy," Frank bites down on his bottom lip and hesitated, so very obvious in his debate on whether or not he should go through with the lap dance I teased him about, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I can find a hot whore to give me a lap dance some time."

"And I'm not good enough to be that hot whore?" I shake my head and laugh a little, taking a drag from my cigarette and close my eyes a little as I let my head tilt backwards, exhaling the smoke a few seconds later and opened my eyes up again to look back at Frank, "You don't really do sexy role play enough to peak my interest in you."

"You want me to dress up for you? What a kinky fuck you are." Frank laughs and exits the room and into the kitchen, "What do you want to eat? I have leftover pizza in the fridge and the pancakes you didn't get around to eating?"

I stay quiet as I finish off my fag, putting it into the dish that was still there from when I was last here and I get up to go into the kitchen with a smile as I see Frank slightly bent over looking through his fridge. I go up behind him and clutch onto his hips with a giggle, "Are we not allowed both? I love both?"

Frank pushes backwards with his butt but says nothing about our position before pulling out two pizza boxes with a pack of pancakes on top of it, "Veggie pizza or margarita?" I open my mouth to speak but a phone goes off, Frank laughing a little and putting all the items onto the side and gave me an open mouth kiss before pushing me to the living room once more, "That's your phone, Gerard, go answer it before I do."

I roll my eyes and continue walking towards the table to retrieve my flashing phone, pressing the answer button before pressing it to my ear, "Hey Mikes, you're really good at interrupting things between me and my... Friend." I turn around to lean against the table whilst Frank peaks around the door from the kitchen to throw a scrunched up piece of paper.

"Is it the same friend from earlier or a different friend? Either way I'm scared that you actually have friends." Mikey was silent for a moment and I could practically hear his brain ticking on the other end of the phone, as if he was trying to put two things together, "Wait, no, Gee! Please don't tell me they're your next victim?"

I gasp in mock horror and laugh at Mikey's reasoning with himself before turning away from Frank's playful glare, walking further away from Frank so I was certain that he wouldn't have been able to hear me, "Have you ever known me to murder someone that didn't do something bad to me or you? I won't hurt Frank so calm yourself down before I do something we will all regret."

"What if Frank ends up hurting you? What if he isn't what you need and he fucks you over?" I huff in annoyance but Mikey continues, "What if Frank finds out about your stupid ass pastime activity?"

"Mikey, he won't find out about it, he's a horny little shit that only thinks with his dick, I don't have anything to worry about."

"Gerard! Get your ass here and eat me out of business!" Frank yells, the microphone picking it up and Mikey making a sound of disgust, obviously taking what Frank said in the wrong context, "I swear to God that's fucking disgusting, I never wanted this, I'm leaving you to eat him out in peace."

"I'm not eating him out! Hello? Mikes!" He hung up on me without letting me explain and all Frank could do was laugh from the kitchen.

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now