Typical Bad Boy

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I never told you what I do for a living

"Turn it onto the news for a minute, I wanna check what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow." Frank says as he slouches further onto my lap, staring at the television as I key in the numbers '501' for Sky News. I feel Frank pat me on the knee when the news reporter appeared on the screen and continues talking mid-sentence about something that I couldn't quite pickup what it was about but then it went onto the next news topic.

The screen flashed up with it being breaking news, the news reporter sitting at the desk and dramatically shuffles her papers around as her name appears on the bottom of the screen. She looks back up to the camera as she places the papers down, "Good afternoon, there have been sightings of dead bodies across South West London for the past two weeks that police say could be linked to each other. They say they do have some leads and they have reason to believe that-"

I flick the TV off before I hear anymore of what the reporter had to say on the matter, knowing too well that I was the person she was talking about, I was the one dropping bodies all across South West London. Frank lifts his head up off of my lap and looks at me in disbelief, "Dude, they could've said a description of who it was and we might be next on the dead list-"

"Don't be fucking stupid, Frank. You're not going to get killed." I snap, seeing Frank's face, how hurt he looked and I sigh, massaging my forehead, "Sorry, I just- I get freaked out by these things do easily and I rather be ignorant to the facts than know it all. I'll make sure you don't die, alright?"

Frank's face softens and he smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me and kisses my cheek sweetly, "How sweet of you, now go and get fucking ready before you're late to meet Mikey." Frank gives me one last kiss before pushing me up and off of the sofa in the direction of my bedroom as he lays down in the space my butt had just provided for him. I roll my eyes before walking out of his sight and stripping myself of my pyjamas and slinging on something that I hope to God is clean enough for it to be socially acceptable.

When I make my way back into the front room to see Frank ready too, I smile, "Are you going home then?" I ask as I take my black jacket off of the arm of the sofa and I slide my arms into the sleeves. Frank smiles shyly as he continues doing up his shoelaces before he gets up and stands in front of me, wrapping his arms around my neck and pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I was hoping that maybe, I could come along with you to see Mikey."

I raise an eyebrow, snaking my arms around his waist to pull him closer to me, "Let me get this straight..." I start off as Frank looks down as if he already knew what was going to be said right now, "You wanna come and meet my brother- the guy that only knows that you're gay and that you asked me to eat you out. I don't think he's gonna be too happy to meet you at the moment."

Frank shrugs with a grin and goes to the dining room and takes my other black jacket off of the back of the chair and slides into it before heading to the front door, leaning on it as he smirks at me, "C'mon man, I wanna meet your family. I always wanted to be that kid that was absolutely hated by the parents because I was a typical bad boy. Maybe I could test it out on your parents."

I shake my head at him in amusement and we left the house, Frank grinning when he realises he is allowed to come along with me to meet Mikey, "You wouldn't be able to do your typical bad boy stunt on my parents. One is dead and the other wasn't ever my parent. Honestly, you might as well do the the whole thing to Mikey."

Frank laughs as he leans into my body, wrapping a arm around my waist and I sling a arm over his shoulders, "Mikey will like you, no matter how gay you act around him." My phone starts ringing in my pocket and as usual, it was Mikey. I answer it with a laugh, "Hey, we're on our way now, only a few minutes away from the station, wait for us there and we shall join you shortly."

"'We'...? 'Us'? Have you got that liability with you, Gerard? What happened to nothing getting in your way? Dude, it was literally two weeks ago you nearly ripped off some guys head for trying to see what you had written down on paper. Don't tell me that you and him are dating?" I look at Frank shiftily as he looks up at me a huge with shit eating grin, obviously picking up on Mikey's distaste with the fact he was tagging along.

"Does he not like me babe?" Frank asks, knowing he was close enough to the phone for the microphone to pick up his voice. Before Mikey could say anything about our new add on, we arrived at the train station and I grinned at Mikey as he looked between Frank and I as if Frank was worthy to be within his presence for the next hour or so before his eyes settled back onto me, "May I ask something privately, Gerard?"

I grin wider and nod, looking at Frank for a moment before deciding how to be alone with Mikey for a moment without leaving Frank by himself, "Hey Frank, we'll be going somewhere afterwards so top up your travel card?" I go into my pocket and pull out a tenner for him and give it to him with a kiss. Frank smiles and nodded, heading over to the short queue to top up his travel card whilst Mikey jumps straight into the topic at hand, "Gerard, you have four more people to go and they're already onto you, they're gonna get to you before you finish your task."

I huff sarcastically and rest my hands on my hips as I stare back at him, "No, I just need a week more before they can take me down. Trust me, it won't take me too long to go through with it," I look over at Frank topping up the card, "Unless something or someone decides to get in my way."

"You have to promise me that if Frank gets the slightest bit in your way, you have to dispose of him." I watch my Frank as he thanks the worker that helped him and how he had hesitated to come back over to us. I grin and wave him over to us and Frank shuffles back to us, melting into my side once more whilst my arm rests around his shoulders once more, "I promise, Mikes."

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now