Oh The Irony

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I never told you what I do for a living

Maybe it was really stupid of me to think that Frank was a good idea. The whole idea of Frank wasn't a good idea. I shouldn't have befriended him at all, I shouldn't meet up with him and I shouldn't even begin to trust the dork. Of course I've done a lot of things I shouldn't have, in the last six months alone, but Frank is one of the biggest no no's for me.

"Do you always zone out like this? I think it's becoming a regular thing for you and I've only known you for a few days." I look up from my cup of coffee at Frank rocking back and forth on his swing, his eyes straying to the kid sat on the swing beside him, naturally worried that he was going to fall off whilst the mum was too busy talking on the phone to watch her child.

Typical, to be honest.

"Do you always interrupt someone when they're thinking?" I ask when he turned his attention back to me, his smile growing until it reaches his eyes before he leans down to pick up his coffee from the floor to drink some as he continued to watch me stare right back at him.

When he put it back down he broke eye contact with me to check up on the kid beside him to see whether or not he was still in one whole piece, "Of course I enjoy interrupting you whilst you daydream, I like to have all the attention of yours focussed on me." Frank grinned a little, starting to swing back and forth a little, "Can't say that I can help it, I'm sorry beautiful."

I shake my head and raise the coffee to my mouth hiding my smile away from Frank so he couldn't see how much it made me happy to be called beautiful, diverting my gaze to the kids on the slide racing around and laughing and screaming and shouting, having fun. I was having fun sitting right here with Frank too, I guess it was just a different kind of fun compared to theirs.

There was a sound that made me look back at Frank on the swing, him staring back at me expectantly, "Aren't you going to answer your phone?" I ask, my eyes darting down to his pocket as a invitation to get it and answer the call but he just raised his eyebrows at me, shaking his head at me as if I had said something weird or done something wrong.

"Dude, that's not my phone, that's your phone." I stared at him a little longer before going into my pocket and pulling my phone out, the screen lit up and the noise becoming louder, Mikey's name on the screen.

I answer, pressing it to my ear to hear Mikey halfway through a curse more than likely aimed at me, "What's happened? You alright?" Frank looked at me with wide eyes, noting the fact that I sounded somewhat panicky answering a call like that, but Mikey wasn't as fazed by the way I had answered the phone call, probably expecting it now that I answered the phone like that every time he would get around to calling me.

"Another? This is the second within this fortnight, Gee! You can't be serious, right? Honestly, you're acting like a maniac!" Mikey exclaimed, the image of him right now practically in my head just from the tone of his voice, he was probably pacing around his living room, one hand covering his face because he was tired and sighs escaping his lips every so often.

"Calm down, I had it all under control alright Mikes? What's done is done, I can't change it now." Frank slowed his swinging until he was completely still, staring at me with his eyes wide with confusion, obviously wondering about what the hell I was talking about and maybe even who the hell Mikey was, "Look, Mikey, this isn't the best of times right now."

Mikey stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to figure out exactly what it was that I was doing that was so important, before giving up with guessing, "What the hell are you doing that is so important that you can't talk to your own brother about the man you fucking killed?"

I look up at Frank, smirking at the fact that he had no idea what Mikey just said yet if he even had the slightest idea he would be running away from me as if his life depended on it. Honestly speaking, his life would have depended on it, "Mikey, don't worry your pretty little head about it, I'm out with a friend right now and he's staring at me like I just stabbed someone."

Mikey groaned in annoyance as I cackled at the dramatic irony I just created, Frank being the one that didn't know that I actually had stabbed someone whilst Mikey started to hate me just a little bit more than he already did, "Gerard, these killing puns have just got to stop. They're not even funny anymore, dude."

"Bye Mikes, I'll see you soon." Mikey said a goodbye and he ended the call. I put my phone away and look up at Frank once again, seeing his confused face made me involuntarily coo at his cuteness and lean forward to embrace him tightly, hearing a surprised squeak from him at how unexpectedly I had hugged him, Frank obviously not used to me and physical contact just yet.

No, this was definitely not like me, I usually hated human contact, I hated touching other people, I tried to avoid doing so at all costs, unless it was Mikey. I never really trust anyone else enough to allow them close enough to me for me to actually touch them in return. But right now, I wasn't hating the whole physical human contact with Frank just yet. Maybe Frank was different.

I was actually enjoying the whole hugging experience with Frank.

That was bad. This is very bad. I shouldn't being enjoying this hug with Frank as much as I am right now, I was developing a fucking crush on Frank. Is this why I didn't have the urge to kill him like I did with nearly everybody else? Is this why I never took the opportunities to hurt him? Is this why when Frank had outted me, I didn't do anything but avoid hurting him?

Was I falling for the short man that was originally all I hated about the human race?

Holy shit, I think I am starting to like him. Why the hell did I unconsciously choose a loser like Frank to like? So many other cooler losers and I chose Frank to giggle and fantasise over?

It was because he showed an interest in me.

And didn't even give up when I told him to leave me alone.

I like that. Maybe I could be happy with having a little soft spot for Frank.

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now