Chapter 2

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Today was the day that Martell Mathers returns. I had cleaned the house a hundred times in the last few days. Amity was so nervous to see him again. I was anxious to tell him he has a daughter. When Amity gave him the address he was surprised we still stayed here.

Hallie was still asleep in her bed as we waited on the couch. When Amity heard his car pull into the driveway she ran out to him. I could hear as they talked away. Her hand was tightly clasped on his arms not wanting to lose him. His eyes flicked over to me. My eyes were lost in his "hello Martell."

He smirked, "hello Lilee, I see you are well."

I nodded "same to you."

Things became awkward between us, Amity broke the silence "you should have a look around the house, we have made so many changes while you were away."

Martells' eyes didn't leave mine for a moment "I can see that."

I offered to make coffee which he agreed. We moved into the kitchen, Amity and Martell were at the table eating a few cookies I had made earlier to make the house smell more welcoming. As I was about the tip the milk in Hallie began to cry. I turned to Amity "sweetie can you pour the milk for me, Hallie is hungry."

Amity nodded "do you want me to get here baby food?"

I smiled at her appreciatively "yes please."

I left them alone in the kitchen for a moment collecting my daughter. She stopped crying when she saw me. She reached her arms out to me "Mumma?"

I picked her up from her bed kissing her temple "morning baby."

I changed her nappy and clothes and then brought her out to Amity and Martell. Her food was already at her high chair. I sat her down placing a bib around her neck. I could feel his eyes on me as I few Hallie her breakfast. No one spoke. Hallie is an efficient eat and quickly finished her meal. I grabbed a wipe cleaning her face and hands then I placed her on my lap facing Martell.

He looked at our daughter confused, he watched as she played with a bracelet I always wore. Amity grabbed her hand "come with me Hallie, we can play."

I stood Hallie on the floor so she could walk slowly with her aunt. As they went out of sight I looked over to Martell, he was already looking at me. "Her name is Hallie."

Martell firmly asked, "how old is she?"

I had a mouthful of coffee "she is fifteen months old. A year an three months." I watched as Martell did the math. I spoke again "ask me what you want to know Mathers."

He mumbled "I had so many questions Lilee. She's mine."

I loudly exhaled "that wasn't a question, she's mine."

Martell shook his head "here's a question for you, who is her father?"

I got out of my chair collecting her birth certificate they were in the draw. I slid it over the table to him. He read it out loud "Hallie Jayde Mathers, mother Lilee Pearson, father Martell Mathers."

I tear ran down his cheek, I took the certificate out of his hands and placed it back in the draw "now you know."

He sat there, he stared blankly at the floor. I waited until he spoke, "you kept her from me."

His eyes flicked up to me "you were threatening to stop your dream. I couldn't have that. You loved what you were doing. I hated having to lie to you. I wanted to tell you but then there was something stopping me. Whether you released a new album, you went on tour. Then you got engaged. When was I meant to tell you I lied?"

He harshly spat "before you fake a miscarriage would have been great. Not being lied to. I wanted a daughter, someone that shared our DNA. I love Amity as she was my own but someone that is part of both of us. You hurt me that day I felt so powerless."

He stood up "you kept me away from my daughter, I will fight you for full custody."

I looked at him shocked "you can't do that. For two years I have cared for them both. I have worked around the clock, studied to their timetable. Don't take them away."

He left the room to bid goodbye to Amity. His last words to me were "my lawyers will be in contact."

Once he left I checked on the girls quickly before calling Andre "he met her, he knew right away. He left telling me I will hear from his lawyers because he wants full custody. He is taking my girls away from me. Help me, Andre."

I soon ended the call to play with the girls. Hallie sat in my lap playing with her doll. Amity wrapped her arms around my neck "you are sad mum?"

I looked at her shocked, she had never called me her mum before. I smiled at her "I'm okay baby."

She kissed my cheek "dad made you sad?"

I shook my head "I just missed him, like you. It was great seeing him. Do you want to stay with your brother for a while?"

She shook her head "no he can come over tomorrow and we can play but I want to stay with you."

I kissed her forehead "but you should spend time with Mickey. He has been away for so long it might be good for you."

She shook her head stubbornly "he can stay here. Please, I don't want to leave you. I will miss Hallie."

I nodded "okay, we will call tomorrow and ask if he wants to spend the night here. I'm sure he will say yes to you."

Amity jumped up "I will call him now."

I shook my head vigorously "but he just left."

Amity nodded "so he should be at the hotel now."

He picked up after a few rings, Amity put him on speaker "hey Mickey, Lilee and I were talking and we want you to stay with us tomorrow."

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