4: Jittery

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This chapter will be kind of weird, not what I usually do but I needed to brush over some things without loads of Time Skips.
Also, I found out what this word (below) meant and I like it.

Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt of the human species or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings. The word's origin is from the Greek words μῖσος (misos, "hatred") and ἄνθρωπος (anthrōpos, "man, human").


Midoriya-kun and I pulled up outside of my three-bedroom apartment; my bedroom, a spare bedroom and one transformed into an unorganized study, mountains of paper and rivers of pens. I pushed my car door open and stepped out, went to the opposite side of the car and opened the passenger seat. I haven't had the chance to properly read over the clipboard Recovery Girl gave me with the listed information on the young boy. As we initially walked to the car in the litter-free staff parking lot in Yuuei, he instinctively gravitated towards the backseat, diagonal from the drivers, I insisted he sat in the passenger seat next to me and promptly, he changed course and quietly climbed into the car three Mississippi after I had. I'm not sure if I were the best choice as Izuku's flatmate or -as Hizashi put when I informed him of my current situation- surrogate father. Yeah right, like he could see me as some kind of parental figure, we – 'we' being Nezu, Recovery Girl and I- don't even know how long he'll be living with me. As he stepped out of the passenger seat he bowed to me.

"Thank you." He said clearly with his small, soft voice. Again. He's thanked me at least nine times since we left Recovery Girl's office. When we left, thanking me for accepting him, opening the car door for him, a thanks for carrying his 'luggage' (two plastic bags filled with clothing, two school uniforms and a box), multiple thanks along the drive to my apartment for reasons unknown to me, and just now. I should really look at that clipboard soon before I mess something up with this problem child.

Three weeks; he's settled in and can probably navigate the apartment blindfolded. I told him he can do whatever he likes, so long as he cleans up his mess and stays out of trouble. He's incredibly independent and doesn't seem to talk much, the reason why is most likely fear. Remember the heap of papers regarding Izuku and his condition? Yeah, that kid has more issues than he knows what to do with. I'm pretty sure he'll forget most of his younger childhood as he grows up; his fragile mind locking those dark secrets away for as long as it possibly can, until they're forgotten forevermore. We did some digging on this child, found out about his mother's death and how he saw it all unfold and burn apart in front of his innocent eyes; it ruined him. Almost mute for a few months and he started getting panic attacks, everything that happened after was far from improving. Dug up a small portion of the trouble Izuku's father put him through, what we found out was devastating, but, as I said, a small portion. We don't even know why the father was doing it, he never told the police or any heroes, lengthening his prison sentence. Either way, he's been put into jail for five years, not long enough if you ask me. Every day, Izuku forgets some of his past, in my opinion, it's for the better; he doesn't need to remember any of his traumatic childhood, he has enough panic attacks as is. Bet you if he experiences any similar situations he'll start remembering stuff, just gotta pray to the Gods that that doesn't happen.


Patient Name: Midoriya, Izuku

DOB: 15 / 07 / XX, age 10


· PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) causing panic attacks consisting of hyperventilation, nausea, dizziness, disturbed thoughts/flashbacks, severe anxiety attacks, loss of focus, interest, pleasure and joy, the inability to think when mentions of violence and fire are heard and/or seen.

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