8: Physics Maybe?

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While everyone was dumbfounded at the sudden start and Mic was explaining to those dumbasses how we don't wait for a fight to begin, I bolted into the grounds...

The asphalt beneath my feet wobbled with small rocks skittering round like popping candy. I made it a fair way into the insanely realistic city and found myself standing before two looming robots. The rest of the participants had started speeding in, no doubt that I'm directly in front of their view. As to not gain any attention I fought the robots how any person 'normally' would. As in, jumping around them, finding a weak point, breaking through the surprisingly thin metal, and damaging the slithering cords vital to the robots mechanism. This went on for a few minutes until I was free from the artificial villains and had a chance to look at the other participants. Some of these kids have a lot of potential but they're just doing it... Wrong? Yeah, just using their potential absolutely awfully. I think it's time to put my plan in place. I took a breath and shut my eyes amongst the danger to rid my mind and press.

Pause. Nice, okay, some of these kids have next to no experience, what are they even doing? I get they want to become heroes for either the fame and money or to genuinely help people, but they're just kind of wonky right now. Pressure does that to people, I guess. I walked back out of the city; strolling underneath bodies suspended in the sky, stepping around frozen punches mid-launch, and over to where I placed my yellow bag before; reaching in and taking my wad of yellow sticky notes and blue ballpoint pen. Walking back into the mess of student-wannabes, I observed their stiff stances and corrected things. Just moving people over to the side a bit so their attack will deal more damage or changing how they're holding their arms to cause less injury upon themselves. I scribbled down tips and tricks on my sticky notes and stuck them on people in a place they'd have to notice. Right on their face. Cheek, forehead, balancing on their nose, either way, it was smacked somewhere on their face. I went around, correcting things and helping people out from whatever they were doing wrong or inefficiently, it was a nice break from the fighting and kind of like a breather.

Purple hair guy doesn't seem to have a strengthening quirk or any strength at all from what I saw earlier. My tip was to manage to break the inner circuits on the robots and keep dodging a bit my like my fake style earlier, but obviously I didn't give clues to my identity.

Some yellow kid was burning out quickly, short circuiting himself instead of the opponent. The tip said to get in close range and touch the robot to shock it, rather than shoot out electricity and potentially harm others.

I found gravity girl again. Her first impression wasn't the best, but she did save my face plus I shouldn't ignore her for being a stranger and thinking I'm a bit odd. I gave her a note about energy conservation and an easier method to use. I passed one particular partaker I found quite interesting; her quirk something of a frog mutation. Her skills were excellent, and she never panicked or became flustered, I hope she passes and makes it into Yuuei, she'd be a fine hero.

I knew by doing this, no one would know who to reward the points to if they were to do so, so after I finished going round all the visibly struggling participants and helped them out, I walked up to where I assumed the teachers and stuff were watching from. Taking a ring of keys off of a nearby, unsuspecting staff member, I tested two keys, third time's a charm. My warm hand opened the door, then I looked at the scene. A dark room filled with monitors illuminating two figures; focused on hundreds of kids and another monitor filled with names and numbers; points and scores. Sitting in front of them was All Might and an oddly familiar mouse. I'd actually like to be recognised for my efforts, so, instead of a smug comment or a snark remark, I just wrote over the course of two and a half sticky notes:

Hey, Midoriya Izuku here! To avoid any confusion, the scattering of notes was me. Sorry if it's against the rules to aid the other participants, but a real hero wouldn't care and would help people anytime, anywhere. Like the Goodies! Sorry if this sounds in any way cocky, I just want to get into general studies. Also, if I happen to rank higher than the participant Bakugou Katsuki, I'd like you to place his name higher than mine, because; 1) I don't want to stand out, 2) I'd feel compensated and won't break into any more rooms such as this one, and 3) It would save me from a lot of trouble and probably you guys in the long run. Again, I try not to sound cocky. Thank you for reading this and plus ultra :)

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