11: A Real, Flamboyant Eleven

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Before we start, 1 in #dadmight????? So far All Might has been nothing but awkward and scary?? And 7 in #katsudeku? Bruh, there hasn't even been any katsudeku in it and I honestly don't remember adding that tag, whitiff.


Light hands rapped on the polished, wooden frame of the principal's office. He'd decided after a week that his class was driving him insane. After the brainwashing incident, Shinsou felt incredibly guilty and said he'd do anything for Midoriya, regret tearing at his skin and seeping into every corner of his mind. Midoriya, on the other hand, felt bad for outing Zero to recovery girl though Zero was glad he had the opportunity to explain things whilst the sleek, black phone was working inside the office. Recovery Girl was like a therapist, he ranted about the voices and some other nonsense, his hatred towards stuttering, but she stuck through it. For a solid three hours. He told of his experiences, when the voices started talking, anything he knew was said. Whenever he wasn't sure of facts, Zero whispered the answers and Midoriya voiced to recovery girl, crediting Zero when needed. It felt good to get all this gunk off his chest. Per Zero's suggestion, Izuku used the favour given and asked for friendship, Shinsou was taken back at first but then realised a friend would actually be nice. Izuku's first friend out of diapers was Shinsou, Shinsou's first ever friend that he was sure wouldn't stab him in the back was Izuku. They bonded and although Midoriya kept his quirk secret and gave little information about his past (it's not like he had much information), they became close. They got along incredibly well, both enjoying the same type of humour, both enjoying each other's pastimes, both enjoying the same company. They were just a slightly awkward and unlikely duo that seemed to work.

But his class is another story. The other eighteen students in it were loud and idiotic and everyone seemed to have it out for class 1-A, the hero class. Midoriya was clueless, if they wanted to be in the class they should've done better in the exams, their fault, they shouldn't make fun of people just because they themselves suck. Their stupidity and skyscraper of faults was driving him madder each passing day, and he couldn't take it much longer, he has a very low dumb-tolerance. The very reason why he and Shinsou were waiting outside the principal's office asking for him to change class. The principal really had no reason to decline anyways; his specific set of strict rules put in place were practically begging for him to be in a hero class.

"Come in!" A chipper voice chirped through the door. Shinsou and Midoriya shared a half-worried glance and went in, school atmosphere evaporating instantly. The office wasn't obnoxiously big nor decorated profoundly, just nice and neat and formal. Bookcases to the side, a window letting the morning sun peak through. In the middle, a desk, on one side of the desk, a computer, files on the opposite. Behind the computer was a computer mouse. And a mouse. Or rat. A mouse-rat. Maybe a small bear, who knows. "Take a seat." And he motioned towards the two chairs on the opposite side of his. Midoriya knew exactly why he was here and exactly what kind of... Being the principal was. Shinsou was there with Izuku and he had no idea why. Shinsou gulped a gulp that didn't go unnoticed by the principal, wondering how his friend could keep his cool while he himself was internally and very nearly externally panicking. "Tea?" the principal directed to both.

"No, thank you. I'm here with a request and Shinsou-kun is joining me. We'll be gone soon, two minutes maximum." Midoriya said calmly, earning a nod in reply. They sat in an oddly comfortable seat each. "I'd like a class change.",

"What!?" Shinsou whisper yelled, voice high pitched. He looked at his friend quizzically, searching for any trace of jokiness or humor but none was evident. Shinsou knew very well that his friend detested their class with as much passion and vigour All Might has for heroing, but he did not expect this. He came along as moral support for his friend, but it seemed like he didn't need it, he didn't even know why they were visiting the principal at all until now, the idiot questioned nothing.

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