13: Page One

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The greenette stirred uncomfortably on the pure-white sheets of Yuuei's infirmary bed. This small action rippled sound throughout the otherwise silent room and caught the attention of one Todoroki Shoto (the student who'd taken him to the school sickbay) and Chiyo Shuzenji, the school's resident nurse as well as pro hero, Recovery Girl. He slowly sat up, rising from the dead like a corpse; he fit the description, improved it, maybe. He felt achy, pain shooting through his body this way and that, a pounding head in particular. Once more, he decided to absentmindedly rub his head and ask questions with yawns between.

"How long was I out?" The two bystanders were moderately shocked, surprised Midoriya got straight to the point rather than asking for a beverage or wait for some greetings, just anything any person would do ten seconds after they've woken up from passing out. Although, Recovery Girl had met him before and witnessed this reaction prior, a sigh escaping her slightly frowning lips.

"Drink, you silly boy." And Recovery Girl roughly handed him a plastic cup of water while Todoroki stayed silent. Midoriya muttered a quiet thanks and quickly downed the fluids, reviving his throat from the dryness it had felt then rubbed at his tired face, hoping to wipe the sleepiness off. "You were out for a bit over an hour and a half. Haribo?"

"No, thank you. What was it this time?"

"I think you might've had another episode." Episode? Todoroki wondered what they meant and was now certain this was the boy who had a seizure in the cafeteria a few days ago. Everyone called it a seizure, some truly believed such as one half-hot, half-cold boy, some just joked like a familiar teen with the colour scheme of electric iris, a prominent purple and everlasting eyebags. He contemplated on the episode's meaning, wondering the likelihood of his new classmate suffering from them and started narrowing a mental list. Every observation he'd taken was pulled from the back of his skull and sorted through and through; if he had a mental illness why would he be allowed into the top hero course?

"This young man here, Todoroki-shounen, said you'd just been chased by Bakugou-shounen but had gone out of view. When you came back your quirk was activating at random, perhaps as a defence mechanism, and you slumped into Aizawa." She explained.

"Episode? Like spasms, mentality issues and psychological difficulties?" The deepest voice in the room asked. They both turned and looked at the unexpected question. Shuzenji couldn't tell him -Todoroki, standing off to the side- due to patient guidelines so it was all up to Midoriya. If he wanted to. He was -and still is- a very private person, just one of his schticks.

"It's just... I-I have a condition?" Midoriya looked at the nurse questioningly, unsure if that was the correct term. He received an unhelpful shrug but decided to roll with it. "I... S-sometimes it's just, like, memories or something and... Past conversations? I dunno. It's weird but I've only passed out twice because of it and blacked out... It doesn't matter. It's really nothing, don't worry." From Midoriya's point of view, he didn't even know if Todoroki could worry. From what he knew and had seen from the dual-quirked, double-coloured and distant male was he didn't talk, he had a cold aura and air about him, and he was plenty strong.

"If you have a condition that impacts you at random, you're not cut out to be a hero."

"A-actually, I think there're triggers for it, so..." He moved his hand from the forest of curls to his lap and fiddled with his fingers.

"What was the trigger this time, then?" from Recovery Girl,

"Erm, Kacc- uh, Bakugou-kun was gonna beat me up again but I ran off, when he caught up he sat on my chest or somewhere like that and he was gonna punch me, then my quirk activated and... Trigger pulled? I think that was what did it, subduing me kinda. Last time, Shin-kun made me spill my actual entrance exam score with his quirk that brainwashes people, but as soon as I was under his control, that's when the-" he abruptly stopped, saying the voices made him sound insane and he had enough trouble fitting in without people such as Todoroki thinking he was a loony. "-Uh, when th-the stuff started happening." He kept twiddling his thumbs whilst the nurse thought, and the boy considered.

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