10: And There Are Voices In My Ear

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Sitting in the cafeteria of white noise, I slowly poked at my curry, French salad and rice. After our rather uninteresting introductions this morning, Present Mic proceeded to teach English, it wasn't too hard. I didn't pay too much attention during class; it was difficult if I tried to anyways; everyone was so damn noisy and disruptive. I'm already pretty good at English anyways, Dad makes me study it at home sometimes because "You might need it one day; what if you're lost and the only person willing to help you doesn't speak Japanese? You'd have to know what they're saying, and you can't always count on your phone.", he isn't wrong. Picking and prodding at my food (that's a story for another time), someone cleared their throat expectantly.

"Uh, can I sit here?" It was Shinsou and a bento. He brought his free hand up to scratch his nape, "There're no other seats left apart from one near some bratty 1-A kid who's screeching at everyone like a fucking banshee." I wonder who that is.

"Uh, yeah, it's cool, it's fine." I nod my head. He sat down opposite me and then... Nothing. The clatter of kids and din from their quirks filled the mess hall to the brim, overflowing with sound yet here Shinsou and I are, in absolute silence. Awkward silence. Guess we both suck at humaning, especially when one of us is small and feeble and inexpressive.

"So... What'd you score on the entrance exams...?"

"Oh yeah, I got..." I hesitated, what was it? "S-Seventy... Points." Shinsou's eyes widened in disbelief, his view obviously supported by my suspicious stuttering, before settling back down. Also, hello stuttering, why are you back?



"Why would you be in gen ed?"

"I, w-wanted to be." My heart was pounding. Not in love and all that sappy crap, hell no, I mean pounding in fear. Hypnotic, enthralling, fear. This guy is taller than me, scarier than me and probably a more honest-to-God guy, so of course he'd despise liars. Not a good start to a supposed friendship.

"Who in their right mind comes to Yuuei aiming to get into general studies!?"

"Me, obviously." I subconsciously shrank down. After years of torment, your body's muscle memory has a mind of its own and mine just happens to be milquetoast.

Stop being a loser, become friends with this kid, not uncooperative acquaintances that are super awkward.

FUCK don't sneak up on me! I can't talk to you AND Shinsou at the same time, butt out!

I'm not here for a week and when I do show up you tell me to leave!?

Can you not interrupt a conversation at lea-


"Ah!" I jolted as a hand waved in my face.

"You kinda zoned out on me there."

"Oh, s-sorry." So much for the image I made in class, I'm gonna have the same reputation as I did at Aldera Junior High; a wimp. But this time, I'll be a wimp with a quirk.

"It's whatever. But you literally sit next to me in our JEN-ER-RAL STUH-DEES CLASS, so why lie?" Shinsou's tone grew serious (as serious as it could be when speaking to me like I'm a dog).

"Shinsou, I'm tel-" ling the truth. What? Wait a... You little shit!

"Tell me the truth Midoriya. How many points did you really get?". You evil, little rat! Why does he want to know so bad!? And... Fuck, shit, my head, it's throbbing, beating against my skull. Aghhh, I can... I can hear those voices again, shoo! Go away!

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