7: Dumbasses

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I really don't want to do all the editing, I assure it's not because it gets boring, but because I just don't feel like it.

One time I was explaining to my dad something that happened (I didn't wanna tell my step-sister what job I wanted to have when I grew up, so she told her mum. I wanted to be an artist and she already knew that???), and I was crying, and it scared me because I was talking about my step-mum (who haunts me to this day) and how she was being mean to me. I couldn't even talk; I was just stammering and stuttering all over the place and I was just so shaky, I couldn't breathe properly, and I swear my legs were gonna give out if I wasn't clutching my dad who didn't even help me.

+ 50 XP!


It was a bit past two in the morning when Dad came home. I fell asleep pretty early after chatting with Zero. I'm assuming he isn't online or active right now and he's chilling in the space library. That's what I'm calling it even though it resides in the void (brain-void?)... It sounds cooler so I'm rolling with it. When Dad got home I'd been sleeping for almost ten hours, longest sleep I've had in a long time. And I didn't have the usual nightmare either so that's good; maybe I should chat with Zero more often if he's here more often. I woke easily, I felt groggy but not as tired as usual. I stretched my arms in into the slightly cold air before realising I was still in my now wrinkled, school uniform and still-comfortable shoes. Idiot. I kicked the bulky, red, feet-protectors then got my pyjamas out and put them on, sinking into the green fabric with small, fluffy sheep on it. You wouldn't take me as a sheep person, but I like sheep. Most people automatically think I'd like rabbits, don't get me wrong though, they're cool too, just not as cool as sheep. I stumbled out of my room after standing too quickly, my mind spinning around. Standing still until coming to a halt, I proceeded to the living room, soft cream carpet underfoot.

"Hey, Dad, you awake?" I questioned, my voice echoing off of the dark room. Only a lamp was on, the soft orange glow sending a peaceful, calm vibe throughout our apartment, but still hiding most things in shadows.

"Yeah. Wish I wasn't though." He answered with a sigh. I navigated my way through the darkness, using Dad's voice as a guide and being careful not to bump into anything. I found myself standing at the couch where he was sitting, hunched over the coffee table, scanning through some work files in the warm lamp-light. "Izu, why are you awake?",

"I fell asleep early after chatting with a friend and saving Kacchan and stuff. I met All Might too, but he freaked me out. Pretty exhausting to be, ya know, social. So I woke up a bit ago.".

His face looked ever so slightly shocked that my day had been so eventful while his was always tiring and bland. "Heh... Sooooo..." He started in a singsong voice. Realising my lazed mistake, I rubbed my hands down my face and groaned. "You got a friend, eh? What're they like? Boy, girl or you have no idea?",

"Uh, boy. He's pretty nice, sarcastic too so we get along well." I answered honestly.

"And? Saving Bratugou? From what?"

"Ughhhhhhhhh why've you gotta be such a dad, Dad?" I should write a one-o'-one on how to continue conversations. "Did you hear about that anonymous hero who saved that kid from the sludge villain?" I earnt an eyebrow raise, "Well, said villain attacked me like, five minutes prior, but I dealt with him fairly easily, hence my encounter with All Might. Then, when All Might -who's really scary up-close, might I add- was taking the villain somewhere, he just kinda... Rained from the sky and attacked Kacchan. So, I figured if I didn't help, karma would bite me in the butt later, so I saved the day and all that." I loosely explained my experience, hand gestures as well as yawns flying everywhere. Dad smiled down at me; he was so proud it squeezed my confused, little heart.

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