15: The Lead Up To-

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Weeks passed by drearily slowly until nearing a month, the first years were adjusting into their new schooling system and timetables which was less frustrating than they'd been previously thought it'd be unless you include all the interruptions such as the press breaking Yuuei's security system and inducing panic in the student body. But that incident was short-lived, two class 1-A students calmed everyone down to an orderly manner via a daring stunt during the ruckus. Principal Nezu among others was not pleased with the media's vile behaviour towards their and their students' privacy and education. A harsh speaking to and many profound apologies later, the situation was sorted but left many sour moods. In between the messes of highschool the three musketeers all banded together, Todoroki being fully accepted and trusted enough to learn their 'gang symbol': a shadow-puppet duck. As of this moment, recess was nearly over 1-A had an interesting event coming up.

"Bakugou Katsuki, the class 1-A brat. Foul mouth, foul attitude, foul person. All in all, a trash human being you should avoid all contact with. He clearly has a superiority complex and anger issues although you can sum that all up with his bigheadedness and prideful persona. He's incredibly intelligent, fast and deadly, kill on sight. I advise you not to face him in a fight if he's aware of your quirk and especially if it's a non-quirk battle. His combat skills..." Memories sped in his head, chilling his spine and glazing his eyes. A jab to his gut, punch in his arm, shove on his back and a kick as he laid sprawled on the ground with fresh blood trickling from a busted lip. "L-let's just say he p-packs a mean punch." As if to emphasize his points his hands flicked side to side and spread out in a mind map with each new segment and subject, waving dangerously close to the other's mildly intrigued face as he continued on his classifications.

"What if you're being forced to fight him?" The tired voice accompanied by a raised eyebrow asked curiously.

"Complain until your teacher sends you to the principal's office or prepare for an early death."

"Hm." He lazily smiled and gently nodded his head; it seemed every question had a premeditated answer.

"Don't expect him to use your name. He'll assign you some crude portmanteau or just some plain words and leave it like that, an observation for some. But he'll definitely remember it. After one ma-" His hand motions quickly halted as did his speech,

"Oh God, is he a tsundere?" a dry laugh escaped dry lips and into the empty air of an almost empty classroom.

"I s'pose that's one way to put it, bodere maybe, but that'd mean he has positive or romantic feelings towards someone -anyone- and that's... Less than likely." he shrugged the response as a cheat to adjust his sagging uniform from his shoulder blades, "Anyways, after one match he's gonna know more than you do about your own quirk unless you manipulate him, a very tricky thing to do."

"What a dick."

"Yeah, basically."

"What about that bird guy? Tori Foliage? He actually looks pretty cool, his cloak and all."

"Tokoyami Fumikage! His quirk is Dark Shadow, probably the coolest in the class. It like a bird shadow that comes out of him, Dark Shadow even has their own emotions, that's cool as! Dark Shadow can interact with things and go back into Tokoyami's body, he's more docile in light environments and Tokoyami says he's beastly and near uncontrollable when it's dark which explains his love of night lights and stuff." The boy had stars in his eyes, his respectable classmate with an equally respectable quirk always lit up his day to analyse and debunk. B- --reful to--y, oka-?

"Like, Himalayan salt rocks?"

"Yep, as well and environmentally friendly ones using solar power. He's really a great guy, good head on his shoulders for sure. Really powerful and kind, considerate but smart. Smarter than some people I know."

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