In Which Zoro Confronts the Family

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Chapter 7

When Zoro returned from his shower wearing his black jeans again with the towel around his shoulder, noticeably shirtless, Saya was pulling on a pair of pajama shorts. She smiled at him as he entered, tossing him one of Ace's shirts that got mixed up in her laundry.

"Your sweater is still soaked through from you spilling water on it last night so I figured you'd want something else to wear," Saya revealed as she noticed the confused expression he had on his face, trying to avoid ogling his muscular torso by keeping her eyes on his face.

"oh yeah...that was probably a sight," he chuckled as he pulled the bright orange shirt over his head. Pouting when he noticed her laughing at him, "what?"

"Y-you look like a pumpkin!" she hollered between laughs.

"S-shut up!" he bellowed, blushing profusely and looking away from her so she couldn't see.

Saya let out a final giggle before walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "A very hot pumpkin though~" she chimed, giving him her sweetest smile.

"You're lucky you're so cute," he huffed, looking down at her and finally returning her smile.

"Come on let's go downstairs, I want some coffee and I should probably start making breakfast," she pulled him into the hallway not looking for people like Zoro did and therefore not noticing a very excited Luffy that was barreling down the hall.

"LET'S GO OPEN PRESENTS!" he yelled, stopping when he noticed Zoro, "Zoro! Are you spending Christmas with us? That's awesome!"

"Uh...I guess?" Zoro answered, scratching the back of his head with his free hand..

By now everyone was crawling out of their rooms, knowing better than to ignore Luffy on Christmas. Marco was the closest but he just wriggled his eyebrows as he walked past them, "hope you guys got some sleep last night yoi~" he teased.

Thatch walked out of his room looking like a zombie, grunting at them as he passed, not even acknowledging Zoro. Shanks was the only one besides Luffy that addressed him as he came sauntering out of his room, already in his regular cheerful state. He pat Zoro on the back, smiling at him, "heard you had a rough night, buddy."

After shanks walked down the stairs, Luffy started pulling Saya and Zoro in the same direction. They were greeted in the kitchen with the sight of Sabo almost finished cooking a huge breakfast. He turned to look at them, smiling, "guess we'll need an extra plate! I was wondering whose car that was outside," he said as he pulled out a plate and handed it to Thatch to put at the table.

Saya walked over to him, grabbing the coffee pot and pouring its contents into two mugs. When Zoro finally walked over to her she handed him a mug and he eagerly started drinking it. "This is why you're my favorite brother, Sabo, no one else but you and I will ever cook," she kissed his cheek and then pulled Zoro over to the dining table, sitting him down next to her. "I'm sure you know this by now, but eat quickly or Luffy will steal your food," she warned as she shot a glance at the male across the table who was already stuffing his face with a piece of toast.

Zoro slowly nodded, waiting for Saya to fill her plate with food before he did. He was very confused how no one really seemed surprised by his presence at the breakfast table but decided to not push it and ask quite yet.

"HURRY UP AND EAT I WANNA OPEN PRESENTS~!" Luffy yelled, making a very tired Thatch flinch as he was sitting right next to Luffy.

"Aren't you a little old for this Christmas stuff?" Thatch questioned with an irritated tone, sipping his coffee more and only looking at the food meekly. He must have been out too late drinking with his buddies again.

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