In Which There Are Too Many Couples

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Chapter 13 

"You look very nice," Saya chuckled as Zoro swore as he pulled his tie loose and untouched shirt from his dress pants.

He gave her a sour look, lightening we he observed again how good she looked in the satin rust colored dress she had decided to pair with simple black heels. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Saya smiled, grabbing the moss head's hand and pulling him towards the front door of the restaurant. "Do I look good enough to get you to go home with me tonight?"

"You always do," Zoro chuckled as he placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"Are you nervous?" Saya questioned as she looked up at him, gaining a thoughtful look from her boyfriend and a slight shake of his head.

"Nah, nothing can be worse than dealing with Luffy and Ace when they're hungry or angry," Zoro joked, his eyes glancing around the room as they finally made it to the main dining room.

Saya smiled as she walked up to the hostess. "Hi, we're here to join the Donquixote party."

The pretty hostess nodded, her smile faltering slightly as she looked passes the redheaded girl to the rough looking green-haired male behind her. "Uh, yes! Right, this way!" She managed, grabbing two menus and beginning to lead them across the room.

"Why does everyone always look at me like I'm going to start attacking people..." Zoro grumbled under his breath as he followed behind Saya, his hands shoved into his pockets.

Saya stopped for a second to catch up to him, linking her arm with his and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Well, I think you're sweet and cuddly and I bet I look at you with heart eyes all of the time."

"Shut up," Zoro muttered, blushing. Despite his words, he smiled now and unlinked his arm from hers to wrap it around her waist tightly.

"What a cute couple! Look at them, Doffy!" A voice in front of them squealed, turning the attention of the young couple on the older one at the table they had reached towards the back of the room.

Sitting at the table was an extremely tall blonde man with pink sunglasses, a pink feathered coat, a silk shirt that was left unbuttoned and exposed his oddly toned abdomen and chest to the world, and orange dress pants. Almost uncomfortably close to him was Saya's aunt, Rai, who had long white-blonde hair, the same green eyes as Saya, and was wearing a long silk pink dress with small white flowers on it and various pieces of gold jewelry. They both looked extremely rich and didn't seem to have aged since their thirties.

"Aunt Rai! Don't say embarrassing stuff like that!" Saya joked, walking over to give her aunt an uncle each a hug, dragging Zoro along with her. "This is my boyfriend Zoro, and Zoro, this is my aunt Rai and my uncle Doflaimgo," Saya introduced, smiling between them.

"We're happy you brought Zoro along!" Rai smiled sweetly, motioning for them to sit down. "Join us! Father should be here soon."

"The old man is always a little late, you'll have to excuse him," Doflamingo remarked, turning his characteristic smirk on Zoro who awkwardly mumbled something back under his breath about it being fine.

Saya took a seat down next to her aunt and Zoro took the free seat next to her. The four had only just started casual conversation when another couple caught their attention. Standing in front of the table was a smiling Shanks and a very nervous looking Makino. Saya instantly scowled at the pair, Zoro gave his girlfriend a concerned look, Rai looked at her brother in law with a confused expression, and Doflamingo simply chuckled.

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