In Which Luffy Really Makes Things Awkward

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Chapter 4

A few weeks had gone by since Saya had returned home, and she was starting to get back into the flow of things. On this particular Saturday, she found herself having lunch with Robin at the diner that Sanji and Nami worked at. Nami was sitting with them, she was supposed to be working but her boyfriend, Sanji, owned the diner and he let her do whatever she wanted.

"I can't believe that stupid moss-head rejected you and you're just telling us now," Nami huffed, giving Saya a quick swat to the back of the head and forcing the girl to let out a quick yelp.

"Now I understand why you were acting so weird around him when he was helping with the exhibition," Robin commented as she picked at her salad.

"Yeah well he had just rejected me two days earlier so the wound was still fresh," Saya grumbled as she ate one of her french fries.

"That's strange, I had always gotten the impression that he had feelings for you," Robin added with a confused look.

"In my opinion, I don't think Zoro is capable of feelings. Or intelligent thoughts for that matter..." Nami crossed her arms, a smug expression on her face, "I never understood why you liked him anyway, Saya, you can do way better."

"Apparently not, considering the whole town sees me as their little sister!"

"Paulie still has a crush on you," Robin pointed out.

Saya cringed, pretending to vomit, "don't remind me."

Nami let out a roaring laughter, unable to talk for a few minutes. "Stop laughing at my misfortune!" Saya barked.

"I'm sorry!" Nami managed between laughs, wiping away tears that had started to fall from her eyes, "but come on, that whole scenario is hilarious!"

"You sound like Ace," Saya mumbled.

Robin let out a small chuckle before turning her attention to the orange-haired girl, "oh Nami, we're having the holiday party at the museum tonight. I hope you and Sanji are coming."

"Oh yeah," Nami murmured as she finally stopped laughing, pausing for a minute to think as she tried to remember if they were free tonight. "We'll be there!" she finally announced, "Who else is coming?"

"Well my whole family," Saya informed her orange-haired friend, "and I think our whole friend group."

"Does that mean Zoro?" Nami frowned, looking at Saya with sympathy.

"Yeah...but don't worry about it! We've gone back to being friends around each other!" Saya assured, raising her hands into the air. "Plus everyone will be drinking so I can use that as an excuse if I get all sad or say something stupid," Saya added with a nervous laugh.

"I invited Law too, you're good friends with I'm aren't you, Saya?" Robin inquired as she turned to look at the red-head.

"Oh yeah! I love Traguy~!" Saya teased, using Luffy's name for him again, "Luffy will be happy to have him there too, he loves Law."

"I don't understand why you and Luffy like him so much, he's always such an arrogant jerk to me," Nami huffed, a pout starting to form on her lips.

Saya giggled, "yeah he seems like that until you get to know him. He's actually a pretty caring guy, despite his icy exterior."

Robin nodded at this. "I think most of the boys from Galley-La are coming too, Ace insisted on it," she stated, smirking slightly.

Saya turned to her friend with her mouth open in shock, "Robin! What are you trying to do to me?! Now I have to deal with not only Zoro but Drunk Paulie!"

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