In Which They All Go On Vacation

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Chapter 14

"What the fuck, Ace?!" Yelled a very angry Thatch from the hallway, waking both Saya and Zoro up who had been sleeping soundly in her bed. It was the morning they were all leaving for vacation and Zoro had decided to stay the night so they could all leave early in the morning, it was a couple of hours to the nearest airport.

Saya groaned, sitting up and stretching her arms, chuckling when Zoro snuggled up to her instead, pressing his face against her outer thigh in protest of waking up. "You're going to have to get up eventually, sleepyhead," Saya cooed, bending down to kiss the top of his head while she ran a hand through his short green locks.

"Why are your brothers so loud in the morning?" Zoro grumbled, turning his face to look up at her before attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"I SAID NO YOI! WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING!" Marco yelled, his voice carrying all the way from the kitchen and making both Saya and Zoro wince.

"I'm so sorry," Saya muttered, covering Zoro's ears when another yell came from downstairs. Once she was positive there would be no more, she let go and started to get dressed for the day of traveling. "At least we'll have a room to ourselves at the hotel soon~!"

Zoro begrudgingly pulled himself out of bed, dressing quickly in a pair of black sweatpants and a black Galley-La tee which showed off his muscles pretty well. When he was finished he sat back down on the bed to watch Saya get dressed, the redhead was taking more time than him. He smiled as she struggled to pull a light pair of high waisted jeans on, tucking in a baggy olive green tee before looping a black belt through the loops attached to her jeans.

"It's not nice to stare," she pointed out, smiling at the man after she pulled on a pair of black flat sneakers.

"I just like watching you get dressed, you wear the prettiest bras~" Zoro teased, earning himself another chuckle from his girlfriend who was braiding her long red hair. He got back up and pulled on his own shoes before walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck and giving it an affectionate bite. "Can't believe your dad actually agreed to us sharing a room."

"Well, I am 22 years old, I can share a room with my boyfriend if I want to," Saya smiled, turning in his arms to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead against his.

"Yeah, but we haven't been dating very long. Only a few weeks," Zoro pointed out, making Saya frown.

"Do you not want to share a room with me?" Saya questioned, moving her forehead away from his as doubt started to flood through her mind. She searched Zoro's face quickly for any sign of what he was thinking, but he soon cleared her mind of any anxiety by pressing his lips against hers and entangling her in a long passionate kiss.

When Zoro finally pulled away he was panting slightly, but his mouth soon morphed into a smirk when he observed the flustered state Saya was in. "That enough of an answer for ya?" He teased, Saya's face only growing redder as she nodded, the only response she was capable of giving at the time.

The redhead was about to pull her boyfriend into another kiss, but a loud knock at the door made them both turn their heads. "Saya, Zoro! You better be getting ready to go!" Thatch exclaimed from the other side of the door.

Saya groaned but reluctantly detached herself from her boyfriend and walked over to the door, opening it and coming face to face with a very tired but posh-looking Thatch. "Do you really have to dress that nice? We'll be traveling all day!"

Thatch pouted as he looked down at his younger sister. "Yes, I do. Now come on, you and Zoro are riding with Ace, Luffy, and I," he informed her, walking in past her and grabbing the two bags that were on the ground. "Morning, Zoro."

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