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This chapter is dedicated to @moviesarecool

The minute I told the twins about the encounter between Harry and me, I knew I would never hear the end of it

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The minute I told the twins about the encounter between Harry and me, I knew I would never hear the end of it. We all sat down, the twins facing me on opposite sides as we ate lunch.

"Not this again," Henry said, tossing a baby carrot in his mouth. "I knew you had a secret thing for Styles."

Henrietta clapped her hands together in excitement. "I agree, we need a ship name for this newfound victory."

"Guys," I reprimanded them, my eyes turning into slits. "Don't encourage this, I'm not into Harry."

It wasn't long before the table had been silenced again, the only sound being the crunch of Henry's carrots. He ate them almost everyday, yet he had the poorest eyesight of our trio. As I was about to crack a joke about that, I noticed everyone's eyes shot up immediately.

It didn't take me long to notice that whatever everyone was staring at, was not definitely not me.

I met their gaze, my eyes falling on the long haired boy who had just step foot in the cafeteria. My neutral features switched to surprise in under a second.

"He's here?" My best friend whispered in shock.

Honestly, I was just as awed as she was.

Everyone in the school must have known by now that Harry never came to the cafeteria, he wouldn't be caught dead if his life depended on it. Honestly I don't know why he resented everyday basic necessities like eating, or why he chose to abandon his health, all I knew was he would much rather stay in the parking lot for the hour we had free and smoke cigarettes.

That was the reason my friends and I all stood, gaping at him like he was some rare creature in our jungle, for admittedly he was.

Here he was. Standing at the entrance. His arms tucked into his pockets as he scanned the place.

I couldn't tell you what he was searching for, but I could tell you the second thing he did that surprised the hell out of me. He actually spoke to the boy that approached him.

I watched them as they both continued to speak. Harry even laughed at what appeared to be some kind of banter. After they exchanged a few more words, the boy moved off with Harry following close behind him.

And this, ladies and gentlemen is the weirdest thing he did of all.

He actually took one look at everyone at the table,
And he sat down.

I heard a gasp before Henrietta said:

"Did Liam just-"

And Henry replied:


The twins then looked between each other before simultaneously looking at me and I gave them an odd look, wondering what was with all the weird stares.

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