#18 pt 2

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I'm going to have to make it up to her

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I'm going to have to make it up to her.

Henrietta truthfully did nothing wrong, the only reason she was upset in the first place was because she felt like she was losing me. I couldn't even blame her for it, I didn't think about the severity of my words nor my actions.

I admit I felt a bit overwhelmed that she was attacking me for doing something she wanted in the first place, but at the end of it all, I couldn't allow a boy to get in between our 7 years of friendship.

The minute the day ended, I walked through the school's exit with something like a plan in my mind. I had to fix this, I wasn't sure how or when, or even what I was going to say, but it had to be done.

My eyes which originally glued themselves to the sidewalk lifted up momentarily and the first thing that settled into my line of sight was the tree.

Although it was a hard sight to miss, it was not necessarily the tree within itself that caught my attention.

Beneath it, in the spot that Harry and I normally stood, was Henry and Kai. They were hand in hand, laughing and smiling at each other, and as much I wanted to walk over there, I couldn't seem to find the courage.

If I were being honest, it felt like I was losing both of my best friends. Henrietta was most likely done with me if she couldn't have me as a whole and not a segment, and Henry was almost completely MIA since he had started his quest to get a girlfriend.

As I strolled down the long steps, I tried to walk to my car undetected. I wasn't sure if I was in the mentality to see Henry right now, but I unfortunately wasn't left with much of a choice, when I heard the sound of my name being yelled.

I spun around and saw Henry with a knowing grin on his face, hands indicating for me to come closer and I knew there was no escaping this.

I strolled over to them, forcing myself to keep a close mouthed grin the entire way there, and stopped directly before Henry, the moment I arrived. I wasn't particularly keen on seeing his girlfriend right now.

"Drummer girl," She piped up anyway. I remained silent.

"Vi," Henry smiled, and I felt myself lighten up. "I haven't seen you in so long."

"I've missed you," I blurted out.

He stood up, a happy expression shifting to one of worry when he noticed the look on my face. He put his hands on my shoulder as he looked me directly in the eyes, our equal height working to his advantage.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

My head suddenly hurt as he asked that question, every single circumstance popping into my brain.

"Everything," I quietly whispered.

He shook his head as he brought me away from his girlfriend, me silently thanking God that we wouldn't have to speak in front of her.

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