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Guess what guys---it has now been ONE ENTIRE YEAR since I posted the first chapter of "Elicia's Ice"!!! INSANE!!! Another thing---I am SO CLOSE to 100K views on Elicia's ice! Guys!! Thank you so much!! I never expected Ellie to get ANYWHERE, and I'm so happy people actually like what I write. So, for the occasion, I wrote a mini-story! Yay!

Here ya go! Hope you enjoy!


(This is set RIGHT after Ellie's Flame's current story, in which everything has calmed down. And right before D3)

"Sera, did you finish that assignment from Madame de la Grande Bouche?" I ask, closing my locker.

She sticks her tongue out in disgust. "You mean the one where she wanted us to pick a favorite song?"

"Yeah, it kinda takes like two seconds to pick. You didn't do it?" I ask.

"Mmmmmmm...nope." Sera says.

I laugh. "Just pick some random one. Like, um... Ummm..."

"See? It's hard!"

"Let it Go! Smoke and Fire! Bad Blood, ummm Ins and Outs, Rumors..."

"You're literally describing your life, Icy." Sera smirks.

"Oh, shut up." I laugh. "Just pick one. I'm using Let it Go, since I know it by heart. My mom used to sing the slower version to me when I was a baby. She changed the lyrics for me, so I really like it."

"Ehhh... I'll use Let It Go too, then." Sera shrugs. "I can't think of any others that I actually know the words."

"So you know the words now, do you?"

"Oh, shut up."

We continue down the hall until we reach Madame Bouche's class and we walk in. A few months ago, Madame found out that most people here don't randomly burst into song to speak of their feelings. So she demanded we create a vocal class, and Ben---being Ben---agreed. So now, we're required to skip an elective twice a week to go take singing classes for half an hour before returning to our elective. Most of us use the class to goof off, because Madame honestly doesn't mind being the only one who sings. Occasionally she does require assignments, and this is one of them.

Right now, Madame is talking to the class, adjusting and readjusting her puffy white wig and trilling a few notes of disappointment at Sera and I. "Come in, come in girls, we're just speaking of our assignments. You must share your favorite song with the class, now!"

Sera's skin turns white as...well, snow.

Madame Bouche gestures for us to sit down and then turns back to Ben, who I think had been hoping she wouldn't remember he was talking before.

"Come now, each of you must share you song!" She belts out the last word as a high pitched note.

Sera and I sit down. I lean over to Evie. "Who's shared so far?"

"No one. We made Ben volunteer to go first since it was his fault we're in this class." Evie whispers back, tossing her long blue hair behind her shoulders. "I think all of us are stalling so we won't have to share."

"Icy, help me!" Sera begs. "I need a song!"

"You Majestyyyyyy!" Madame sings, sounding slightly annoyed. The room goes dead silent, knowing that if Ben doesn't answer now she'll start singing high until she cracks something. Most likely Doug's glasses.

"Uhhh..." Ben flushes bright red. "'Did I Mention'." He says shortly, and then sits down. Mal, who is next to Evie, instantly rolls her eyes as all of us start squealing and tapping her shoulder.

Ellie's Flames BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now