2: The Royal Engagement

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A week later, we're in full preparation for the coming of the five new VK's. A crowd has gathered in the courtyard of the school, where the stage is set with a TV in the background. Doug and the band stand aside with Evie, while Fairy Godmother is talking to her daughter. Carlos and I are in front of the stage with Beast and Belle, currently with Carlos' arm around my shoulders.

Behind the stage, I catch a glimpse of Queen Leah and Chad flanking someone. I do a double-take when I realize it's Audrey. But she looks way different. Her hair is pale blonde-pink is with blue streaks and bubblegum pink streaks. She's wearing a long rose-colored outfit made of leather, with sleeves that remind me of her mom's original dress in the stories.

She... looks like a villain. Ms. I-live-in-Auradon-and-am-going-to-be-your-future-Queen looks like a villain.

I nudge Carlos, pointing. "Is it just me, or does Audrey look---"

"Wow. She looks like us." Carlos says, shaking his head in amazement. "That's a weird sight."

What bugs me most about her getup isn't the outfit change, or the hair color. It's the fact that she is looking around at our group with a barely held back scowl on her face. I've always thought she was a little bitter about the four VK's coming here, but she's staring at the signs around her with real hate.

I look around, trying to see if anyone has noticed, but then Brit appears by my side with Gil on her arm. "Hi, Ellie!"

I smile, pushing my thoughts about Audrey aside. "Hi, Brit. Hi, Gil."

"Mal and Ben are coming out soon. You ready for the you-know-what?" Brit asks, her smile too giddy to resist.

"Definitely. I think everyone is ready for it at this point." I laugh.

"Ben's been dragging his feet." Gil agrees.

"Well, it can't possibly be easy to ask a girl to marry you, much less the Queen of Evil's daughter." Maira says smoothly, nudging her way between Carlos and I. "Evie says she's already designing Mal's dress, so we better hope she says yes."

I smile to myself, thinking back to Cotillion when Mal told Ben she loved him in front of everyone. And then again when her true love's kiss broke Endora's spell. "I'm fairly certain she's going to say yes." I say.

"Good, because I'd like to be able to call her the actual Queen of something and not 'Lady'. It makes me think of the dog, and I'm sick of imagining the Tramp's girlfriend with purple fur." Maira says.

I can't help myself, and I snort. I cover my mouth quickly, but by then my friends are laughing at me.

"Shh shh!" Brit suddenly says, pointing. We all turn, seeing Mal and Ben entering the courtyard hand-in-hand. Instantly, the band starts playing, and the crowd cheers. Clapping sounds ring out, and Mal and Ben move along, shaking hands with people and smiling. Climbing onto the stage, Mal moves to get off to go to the limo, and FG stops her.

"Stay." She orders.

"Stay here?" Mal asks in confusion.

"Yes." FG says. Mal backs away, and Ben puts his hand on her back while finishing off his waving.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi." Fairy Godmother says into the mic. "One two, one two, can everybody hear me?"

"Yes!" I call out, and Carlos laughs at me. I smile back, but what can I say? It's hard not to make fun of FG. She's so bubbly, and never takes anything offensive.

But she didn't seem to notice. She just smiles at the crowd, then hands the microphone to Ben. "Ben."

"Thank you, Fairy Godmother." Ben says. She nods, backs away, and Ben turns his attention to the crowd. "What's up, Auradon?" Cue loud cheering. "Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." he gestures to the walkway where we are all gathered.

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