8: Bad Disintegrating Horse Thing!

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"WHOA!" Sera appears out of nowhere, grabbing the horse in a headlock firmly. "Whoaaaa, horse thingie!"

It bucked, hissing---yes, hissing---angrily at her. 

"SHTAP! HELP! ICY!" Sera screeched. "911!"

"Sera!" I swim forward, but the motion from all the bucking keeps pushing the water around me back as I try to avoid the hooves and the back tail of the weird mutant seahorse thing. 

"ICY WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING?" Sera screams, clinging for dear life as the horse drags her through the water. 

"I HAVE NO IDEA!" I shout back, blasting my powers from my hands in order to keep up. 


Oh, of course. Just kill it! Why didn't I think of that??

Spinning my hands around themselves, I gather a large glowing icicle and take careful aim, lodging the dagger in the horse's side. It gives a loud, angry whinny, then bucks Sera so hard she loses her grip (something I never thought possible) and throws her into a garden of coral. I swim towards her, pulling my friend out of the coral and trying to get her eyes to uncross my waving my hand in front of her. 

"Sera. Hey. Sera!" I snap my fingers. "It's coming back! you awake?"

"Suuuure, Icy Pop." She chuckles, which for Sera is a girlish giggle, and therefore not right. "I'm totally fine, jus' gotta bit o' cotton in my brain."

"Okay, you're not fine." I sigh. I keep a careful eye on the horse, but it's advancing pretty slowly, reaching it's head back to tug fruitlessly at the dagger. After giving an annoyed huff, it turns back to us with a gleam in it's eyes. 

"Uh... nice doggy." Sera says, watching it with slightly more focus now. 

"Shut up, Sera." I mutter. "You're embarrassing me in front of... are you my enemy now? i've had so many it's kinda hard to keep track."

It snorts again, pawing the water around itself. 

"I'll take that as a maybe." I decide. It seems to not like this statement very much, and charges. I just barely move to the side in time, thanking the wonderful merfolk for their crazy underwater powers that allow me to move with just a thought. 

The horse turns and watches me threateningly, snorting every now and then. For a while, it's charge-and-chase, until it becomes smarter and chases me around for a bit before seeming to tire. 

"Sera. Hey. You up yet?"  I give her a shake, and she weakly waves. Whatever that thing did to her, it was way more than sending her flying into some coral. I've seen her in Capture the Flag. It you stab her in the gut, she'll kill you first and then jog calmly to the hospital, holding the enemy's flag. We once sent her into a trap where an avalanche fell on her head---she just punched her way free and started stoning the our team. 

The horse thing paws the water around us, snorting angrily before lunging faster than it had been going. I yelp and burst out of the way, losing my grip on Sera. The horse rams into her, dragging her onto it's back as it turns to face me again. It ignores Sera, and for some reason she sticks to it like it's covered in hot glue. 

It tosses his head, as if to say hey, can ya please stop moving?

Then it charges again. But this time, it grows in size until it sprouts wings that surround me no matter where I turn, capturing me with it's weird sand-like substance. Just like sand, I slip through it easily, but more keeps whirling around, replacing it easily until everywhere I look is grainy darkness. 

Closing my eyes, I thrust my hand out in the darkness, expelling all the ice I can. The sand freezes itself, and I punch myself free. When I turn, I find the horse is now a dragon, with Sera swirling around inside of it's belly. I suspect that's where I was a minute ago.

It glares at my hands, which are misting with blue ice. I raise them higher. "You want more?" I yell. 

It whinnies, drawing backwards a bit. 

"Yeah!" I cheer, summoning two icicle daggers. I note that the small one I threw earlier is still embedded into it's side, although now it's more like a needle than anything. 

"Give me my friend back!" I order. "Or I'll blow you to bits!"

It's eyes flash with anger, and a loud bellow comes from it's mouth. Unhinging it's jaw, the shout magnifies until I have to lower my hands to cover my ears. Aiming carefully, I throw both daggers at it's eyes, and it's bellow cuts short. 

Okay, now it really hates me.

I lower my hands, facing the monster. I notice Sera stirring bleakly in the storm, and my breath catches in my throat. Because when she opens her eyes, I find they're completely black. Almost like empty sockets. 

"Sera!" I cry in shock. The horse seems to sense my distress, because it gives a triumphant whinny, like see ya, sucker! and twists itself in a circle. With a loud pop, and a swirl of bubbles, all that's left is a sliver of sand that drifts down to the ocean floor.

Sera is gone.


I'm fairly certain most of you has guessed the villain by now---kudos to you! I'm still not going to officially announce it for a while, until that chapter with them comes out, so yeah. 

Hopefully my updates will be getting better soon---right now I'm kinda trying to build towards the better storylines. But, with school ending soon, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to post very often.

(Not like I do, anyways...)

Anyways, I hope anyone reading this right now likes this chapter---WHERE HAS SERA GONE?? WAHAHA. HA. AHAAA. ONLY I AND MY SISTER KNOW. HA!

Anwaaaaay. Comment, and enjoy! 

EDIT: few days later!: So I found this story on Wattpad called "Daughter of Fire and Ice" by Ellzthegirlonfire . It's weird, because the main character's name is Ellie, and she's a daughter of Elsa and Hades. The first chapter of that was posted June 26, 2018. The first chapter in Ellie that revealed Hades as her dad was posted between May 14 and May 23, 2018. (Can't find exact date, because I re-posted it later, in July, to fix an error mistake) I'm not blaming anyone, but I do find it a little too coincidental.

Guys---I'm fine if you use Ellie in your stories. As long as you ask permission first, and don't pass her off as your own! Like me and SpringStar186! We're collating on a story together, and we're using Ellie in it. (BTW go read it---it's called "Fanfic thing whatever" and it's on her page, not mine, it's about Keeper characters getting sent to other universes, or vice-versa)

Use your own ideas! Have fun with your own imaginations, not someone else's! Passing off someone's work as your own isn't something you'll enjoy for long---unless it's a fan fiction, then by all means go crazy. But with characters that other people create, that you HAVE A WAY TO REACH OUT TO, please don't use their ideas without asking. I love Ellie, and I'd hate to see her used in a way that isn't herself.

Again,  I am NOT accusing Ellzthegirlonfire, I'm just using this as a base example. 

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