23: Everything Has Changed

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~Five weeks later~

"This is insane." Brit gushes, wiggling in her seat. "I'm glad they made it a smaller wedding, so we didn't have to wait too long."

"It's just a wedding." Maira says. "I don't get why you're so excited."

"On the Isle, we never had weddings." Endora says. "We haven't been there long enough for anyone to decide to do something like that, and even if we did, I'm not sure anyone would care."

"Besides, this isn't even a big wedding." I say. "Mom and Dad didn't want something that could draw attention, so it's literally just her, Dad, me, and you guys attending."

"Well, our friend group is pretty big by themselves." Sera snickers, gesturing around. The only exception to the only-close-friends-and-family rule is that FG was allowed  to attend so she could bless it with magic. Endora offered, but Mom decided that FG's magic would be more binding since she was already an official in Auradon. Mom and Dad don't want any doubt about them anymore. 

Right now the small church room is packed with basically all of my friends. My Aunt Anna, Uncle Kristoff, and cousins are here as well. Merida and her family was also invited, but only Merida accepted since all her male family members were busy with some tournament at another kingdom. 

Ben, Mal, Evie, Sera, Carlos, Jay, Lonnie, Jane, Brit, Gil, Endora, Dizzy, Maira, Kalia, and Mahina make up most of the first two rows. Everyone's dressed their best, even Arson in a suit and Sera in a non-ripped pair of jeans. I'm currently in a knee-length light blue dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves. My hair is pinned up in a bun with the white bang-things hanging out. 

Mom, however, blows everything out of the water. 

She didn't even try that much, using a dress I helped her make with both our powers. I can't really call it a ball gown, because it isn't nearly poofy enough for that category. It just bounces out, fluttering behind her. The top glitters like her original dress from when she ran away, with sleeves that trail behind her like mist, but in reality stop at her elbows. The waist is a little higher than her actual waist, and the skirt blossoms out in white-blue waves like water. The whole dress shines like the ice we both have, but at the same time seems to flicker like candlelight. 

It probably doesn't help that my mom is naturally gorgeous. As far as I know, she didn't even put on any makeup except lipstick, but you can't even tell. Dizzy helped beyond belief, spending an hour on my mom's hair. Mom mentioned once she'd always liked braids, so Dizzy did just that. After spending the first half of the hour braiding little sections everywhere, Dizzy curled the rest of my mom's white-blond hair so that it fell down her back in ringlets that rival Maira's. 

I have to say, it's the first time I think my mom should be the one with the fire side of my powers, because she's burning more brightly than fire ever could. 

She walks down the aisle quickly, with Kristoff holding her free hand. Aunt Anna beams at her sister proudly, wiping away a few tears that I'm sure have nothing to do with the fact that Krissy and Andy are pinching her repeatedly to make sure she's okay and not injured. 

Dad glances once at me, smiling swiftly. His dark brown hair is combed nicely enough, but you can tell he got a little annoyed with Evie's style, because his suit has been tugged out of place in a few spots. His electric blue eyes swoop back to my mom don't leave her until she reaches him and he takes her hand gently. Kristoff lets her go, and takes his seat next to Eloise, who has a few tears leaking out as well. 

Fairy Godmother watches my parents joyfully, her own smiling shining. "I know this has been waiting for a long time, so I'll hurry it along." She says. A laugh goes through the room, along with a whistle of approval from Sera that causes Endora to elbow her in the gut. 

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