4: Happy Hag Day to Mal

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"It feels a little weird that we're going to have a birthday party when all of this is happening." Brit says tentatively, watching us pack for Jane's party.

"Well, suddenly-evil-dad or not, I've never missed Jane's birthday before so I don't want that to start now." I say, neatly packing food into a basket.

"I like that you're not freaking out about this, Icy." Sera says, bouncing an apple on her knee like a soccer ball. "Sure, your awesome, just-married, god-of-the-dead father is suddenly wicked again, and everybody is wondering whether or not yer' trustworthy now, and I'm sure those news reporters are digging up the ol' "she kills people" story again, but hey! Happy Birthday to Jane!"

I groan. "Don't remind me. I had to lock up my phone again to stop the temptation."

"And you still can't reach you mom?" Brit asks.

"No. My teleportation powers aren't working, and I can't get her to answer her phone. It would take days to get a ride to the North Mountain." I stuff a sandwich in rather aggressively, and Brit carefully takes the smushed remains out.

"Your powers aren't working? Did he drain them, like he did Mal's?" She asks, tossing the sandwich in the trash.

Arson sticks his tongue out and mimes smashing someone's head in, then laughs.

I shake my head, unable to help being amused. "No, my mom's powers and the fire parts are working fine. My mind's just too jumbled to get focused enough. I just gained real control over them, and when I'm panicked or worried, they just don't click." I sigh. "I wish I knew what was going on!"

Evie regards me sadly. "I'm sure your mom is fine, Ellie. I don't think your father faked anything there."

"I didn't think so either, but... the way he looked at me... it was like he had no idea who I was." I run my fingers through my hair. I wasn't in my Evie-made VK outfit when it happened. I was wearing a floaty blue dress with a silver sash. But he's seen me with my new hair, and he recognized me after sixteen years when we met in Scotland.

Jay tosses an apple to Evie as Carlos enters the room. "Good morning!" He says, as bright as ever. "Got the beach towels!" He stuffs them in a basket, then moves over to the cake. "I really think she's going to like the cake, you guys---oh, no."

"What?" Brit peeks over. "Ohh."

"Who got into Jane's cake?" Carlos demands, exasperated.

"Maybe Dude?" I suggest. We all turn to look at the canine who entered the room trotting behind Carlos.

"Why're you all staring at me?" He asks. "Do I have snoseballs again?"

"Okay, not him." Sera decides.

"Snoseballs!" Arson whoops.

"I hate to ask why that's what your mind jumps to." I tell Dude.

"What? That was cool! Well, until it almost killed me. Then you. Oh, wait, I'm not bringing back any traumatizing memories, am I?" he wags his tail, thoroughly unconcerned with that possibility.

"No, but this might be a traumatic memory for you if you keep talking." I say sweetly. Carlos laughs, but at that instant a bright flash flares in the room, and laughter rings from outside.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Has anyone seen Mal?" Evie worries. We all stay in silence for a moment, then tear outside. Celia joins us on the way, and Hector looks up from his book in confusion as we run by.

We burst through the doors, and the scene is so bizzare my head can't quite grasp it. To our right, a wizened old woman is hunched over. Mal's purse is behind her, and my heart leaps into my throat when I realize it is Mal, looking very Evil-Queen-Disguise-Ish.

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