19: Choices Made

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Ellie's POV

It took about four hours for all of the spells to wear off. The sun was just coming up when we finally exited Audrey's room. Since getting through the courtyard with Uma and Harry would be basically impossible, we decided to use my POOF-ing powers to get to Evie's house since A) it was closest to the barrier and Ben would be able to sneak a limo and guards through that way and B) Sera was dying to see Arson. Jay had already said his goodbyes and left to find Lonnie, but he promised if he saw Gil he'd send him our way. Every VK in Auradon suddenly had to make a choice: Isle or Auradon.

Mal gave me the ember, and the second I touched it I could feel my powers sharpening, focusing. It barely took a second to transport the entire group to Evie's house, cramped into the kitchen.

Harry zeroes in on the remnants of Jane's cake. "May as well." He shrugs, sticking a finger in a licking the frosting off. His eyes widen and gazes at the rest of it longingly.

"You can finish it, if you want." I suggest. He grins at me.

"Ya'd make a good pirate, lass." he says, dipping his finger in again. "Sure I can't convince you to come to the Isle?"

I laugh. "Doubtful."

"ARSON!" I suddenly hear, and I whip around just in time to see Sera practically crushing her brother in an embrace. Cheers go all around, and then I feel a gentle tap on my arm. I twist around, spooked, but it's just my amber-eyed friend beaming at me.

"Brit!" I yell, hugging her. "You're awake!"

"I honestly don't remember falling asleep." She admits. "What happened? And why is Sera so happy to see Ar? And---" She suddenly screams, leaping backward. Harry freezes with the entire cake slice in his hand, his mouth covered in frosting. He wiggles his fingers at her.

"Wh---why---they---" Brit splutters.

"Brit. It's okay." I assure her. "They helped us stop Audrey."


"Don't sound so surprised." Uma grumbles, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Brit apologizes. "I guess I just... thought... you... um, hated all of us?"

Uma shrugs. "I guess I used to."

Brit looks mystified, but she accepts the change in friendships easily after that. Hector came in, looking nervous, but after a rub on the head from Sera he looks much happier. After a while, Gil shows up with Endora. Turns out she'd been away for the entire time with Maira, in Scotland helping solidify their borders. She only realized something was wrong when her radar of Sera's life went berserk, and by the time she actually got here, it was all over. We all chatter for a while, catching everyone up, until we're left in silence.

"So... the barrier is staying up? For good?" Endora asks, her voice dangerously soft.

Mal nods.

Endora's knuckles go white. Brit's eyes well up with tears, but she blinks them away. "Oh."

Gil just looks stricken. "But... you guys are staying here, right?" he asks Uma and Harry.

Uma doesn't answer. Harry won't look his friend in the eye.

Gil's jaw hardens. "Then I'm going back, too."

"Me, too." Brit says.

"What?" Sera yelps. "Brit! But yer dad---"

"No longer controls me." She says stubbornly, crossing her arms.

"But I thought you loved it here." Anya says, her voice stuffy from all the crying she'd done in the past hour or so. "I love it here. With you."

"I do love it here." Brit agrees. "But the Isle is my home." She repeats what Uma had said earlier. "I belong there. With everyone I grew up with. If I have to stay somewhere, I'd rather stay there."

"Don't tell me this is just because you're dating Gil." Endora says accusingly, pointing her wand threateningly at the son of Gaston.

"NO!" Brit shrieks, flushing pink. "I mean..." she glances over at Gil. Both of them make eye contact, blush, and look away. "Um, a little bit. But no. Dori, I... The truth is, I've missed the Isle. I loved it there, the few times I was without my dad. I loved living there, with what friends I had away from my father."

"Where will you go? You can't go back to your dad." Sera argues.

Brit's face tightens. "I---"

"You're welcome to stay on the boat." Uma interrupts. Brit flinches, looking shocked, but Uma shrugs. "I liked having you there for the few times you did come."

"So... Uma, Harry, Gil, and Brit. You're all going?" I asks. The people's names I called off nod.

"Brit... you'll be stuck with your dad." Maira says weakly. "For the rest of your life."

Brit smiles. "Hades changed. Maybe I can try to get my dad to change, too."

Nobody says anything. I can tell everyone thinks it's impossible, but... it's Brit we're talking about. If anyone can change Claude Frollo, she can do it.

"Dori?" Maira asks, her voice suddenly tight.

Endora gives a fleeting smile, throwing her arm around Maira's shoulders. "Can't leave my best bud, now can I?"

Maira laughs, sounding relieved.

"What about you and Arson?" I ask Sera. She looks conflicted for a moment, torn between the two groups.

"I... Ar?" She asks helplessly. He looks startled, but his eyes glaze over as he considers his options. He doesn't move for a long time, but then it's as if he suddenly clears, seeing the world as only Arson can.

He points to his heart. "Home." Then he points to Brit. "Family." Next his finger slides to me. "Family." Finally, he looks up at his sister, placing a gentle hand over the general area of Sera's stubborn heart. "Family. Home."

A single tear runs down her cheek, and she covers her brother's hand with her own. After a long pause, she looks at me. "We promised we'd never get trapped with our father again." She says firmly. "We're staying here."

A tiny bit of relief makes me smile halfheartedly. I'm losing everyone but Sera, Arson, and Endora, then.

"Well, then..." Ben clears his throat. "Everyone who's leaving, get ready."

Everyone stands with an air of finality. Just for a moment, I can imagine all of us together as a group, all free to go between. No barrier. No separate groups. No Isle or Auradon.

And then we all break off, and the moment ends. 


Even though I already know what's going to happen, I'm still emotional. WHY. WHY!?

BTW, I'm seriously obsessed with re-listening to the Greatest Showman soundtrack again. Idk why other than it came across my recommended and I thought what the heck may as well. NOW I'M OBSESSED. 


Okay, I'm a dork. 

Also! I'm re-watching all the Liv and Maddie episodes as the show on Disney Channel... I FORGOT HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS SHOW!!!!


yeah I think I'm a little too obsessed with this show now....  XD

Anyways, since I'm on Fall Break for the next few days, there'll hopefully be more posting of chapters. Yay!

Hope you guys enjoyed. Byeeeee!

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