10: Icy Pop

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You have no power here.

You'll never get her back.

I'm going to find you, and when I do, I'm going to make sure I kill her in front of you.

I'm going to destroy everything you love.

You'll never escape my Nightmares.


I snap awake, for what feels like the billionth time. I find instantly that I'm shaking violently, and on instinct I look down at my hands. For, again, what feels like the billionth time, I see my skin is coated with a layer of intricate designs of ice. Almost like the illustrations my Aunt Anna did of her own hands when she had a frozen heart.

"Don't move." A voice orders. "You'll be fine, just relax."

I lay back obediently, looking to my left to find my dad holding my free hand, and mom standing behind him.



"We're not in Atlantica anymore?" I ask, surprised that my voice sounds entirely normal.

Dad nods. "I had to get you to your mom."

"Mom?" I turn my gaze to her, and she smiles almost shyly. She holds a hand up and it instantly shimmers with glistening snowflakes. 

"I put out your fire." She explains, nervously passing a hand over her hair. The snowflakes fly over her head and lace delicately around her forehead like a crown. She doesn't even seem to notice.

"My.... oh no---" I groan, burying my head in my hands. "What did I do?"

"Well, we're only guessing with some." Dad says. "King Triton---actually, the whole kingdom---felt your powers go out of control. Actually, scratch that. I'm fairly certain that that explosion was felt on the other side of the world."

I groan louder.

I feel his hand on my shoulder. "Lissa, what made you get so... well..."

"Angry?" Mom whispers. 

I pull my head out of my knees. I open my mouth to answer, and the memory crashes back on me so fast and hard a sob chokes itself out. 

"Ellie!" Mom kneels down at my side. "What? What happened?"

Feeling very small, I choke out, "Sera. She---I---"

Understanding dawns on my dad's face. "He took her."

I nod, then pause. "He?"

Mom's face fills with alarm and she quickly starts to mumble something underneath her breath. Dad stays calm. "Yes, he. I'll not tell you who, though. I'm assuming you met Reginald down there, and that's why you don't look confused as to why your mother is mumbling under her breath."

"Yeah, I met Mr. Octo-crab." I say. "Now WHO TOOK SERA?"

Dad just shakes his head. "If I say his name now, he'll find you in an instant. I'm not going to willingly give up my only daughter for the sake of her finding her friend."


He raises a hand. "We'll find Sera, Ellie. Don't worry."

"Now..." Mom clears her throat. "Ellie, Endora called. She asked why you weren't using the device she gave you, and I told her I had no idea what she was talking about."

"Device? Oh!" I snap my fingers, and with a puff of smoke, the silver thing Dori had Ben give me appears in my hand. "I kind of forgot about it, with everything."

Ellie's Flames BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now