9: Red

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I've heard of 'seeing red'.

This wasn't red.

It was cold, black, hate mixed with the fury of my blue flames. 

The second Sera and the horse disappear, it's like my powers respond to what I'm feeling. 

In one scream, I released more power than I'd thought myself capable of, decapitating multiple pieces of coral and creating a pressure inside my chest like nothing I'd ever known. blue flames wreathe my vision, spiraling in a whirlwind around me, grabbing at my hair and my clothes and scorching them. 

Why? After all this, WHY?

I am so sick of my friends and family paying for who I am. 

So sick of getting targeted for what I am. 

So sick of losing.

I close my eyes, feeling the pain inside my chest as I try to reel back my flames. But when I open them, all it does is wave joyfully around me in tongues snapping at every living thing here. And I can't stop it, can't even keep what's left inside of me anymore. I can't hold anything back now that I've set it loose.

Everything that I am explodes with every fiber of strength I own. Fire, ice, shadows, light, all flashing out of me with an enormous clap of thunder that shakes the earth and water around me. 

And the fire---inside and out---dies to darkness.


I have to admit, this is kind of a chapter just to capture Ellie. But I had fun with it, and the next chapter will be a longer one hopefully.

Who's seen the new clip of Hades strumming his guitar? Hm? ha! It looks awesome!! Not at all like the Hades I've created, but whatever. I think he's talking to Uma, because her card was the one that flipped after the clip. so yeah!


Also, I'm seeing End Game this friday---CANNOT WAIT. IT WILL BE EPIC. YAAA!

Ok. I'm done. Enjoy!!!

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