1: Good To Be Back...For Once

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"Attention, Isle of the Lost! VK day is today!"

"Mal and the other VK's will collect the applications today and announce who gets to go to Auradon Prep!"

"The Villain Kids currently in Auradon are in preparation for the coming excitement---VK Day! Where, according to the villains kids already here, five new VK's will be chosen to Auradon Prep for this school year!"

"How do you think the Mal and Ben are preparing?"

"How will more VK's coming to Auradon affect us here in Auradon?"

"I can't wait to see who gets chosen!"

"I wonder if Elsa's daughter is choosing one, since she's only half-Isle?"

I smile and shut off my television in mine and Brit's room. Ever since Ben's official announcement of VK day, Auradon has been driving itself insane. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Sera, Arson, Brit, Endora, and Gil all had the chance to choose a kid, but only the core four each chose their own. The rest decided that five extra villains would be a little too much for once. So they all banded together and they're going to pick one together.

Ben gave me the opportunity to help pick, but I declined. I didn't grow up there. I may be half Villain, but my heart lies in Auradon.

For the first time, I'm actually looking forward to going to the Isle. Brit and Gil are staying behind, but Sera, Arson, and Endora and accompanying Ben, Mal, Evie, Jay and I. Two limos are required for this round.

(I wanted Ellie to embrace her VK side here, so she's going to look the part. Imagine her looking as cool as Disney VKs look on screen, with a bunch of details. Not the reflective kind of leather like Mal's---more like Evie's and Carlos', just regular leather. yay!)

I turn to the mirror. Because I'm coming along to represent the half-Villain part of myself, Evie wanted to make sure I looked the part. My hair is still black-with-white-bang-things, but the black has blue streaks all over. Instead of my usual jeans and Evie-made jacket, I'm dressed like a real VK with black leather leggings, the occasional snowflake design on them. Shirt with sleeves that go to my elbows, made of a in-between dark-light blue leather with white streaks. Flame designs lace the hem of my top, blue ones that Evie said matched my hair color. Ridiculously comfortable dark blue combat boots with heels, and silver rings and bracelets adorn my wrists and fingers. On my right hand I'm wearing the one fingerless glove from Jay that survived my first freak-out fire. On my other I'm wearing something Brit got me for luck---a hand-made bracelet made with colorful blue-and-silver gypsy beads. Supposedly it helps ward off evil magic.

Someone knocks on the door behind me, and I turn to see Carlos waiting in the door. "You ready to go?"

"Yup." I say happily, following him out and turning off the light. "It's kind of crazy to think we're going back without a crazy villain behind it."

Carlos smiles. "No kidding. It's a little scary to remember why we're going there. But these kids should be okay. Besides, they aren't actually coming for another week."

"True." We join the rest of our friends outside, where two limos are waiting for us.

"Ahhhh, we's pickin' today!" Sera whoops, grabbing me by my arm and swinging me around in her version of a dance. "Can you believe it, Icy? Five kiddos! Five! YAAAR!"

"Okay, Sera, I get it." I laugh, pulling out of her grip. "You have the applications that have already been turned in?"

She waves her bundle. "Yup! But y'know most kids probably are waiting to turn theirs in when we get there. Ben wasn't very specific on whether to send 'em here or turn 'em in when we get there."

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