18: This Victory Stinks

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Ellie's POV

"YEAH! YEAH!" Harry roars, dropping his hook in excitement. "COME ON!"

"YES!" Uma screams, jumping into his embrace. I'm grinning so widely I can barely feel my own cheeks. I have my back to the two VK's, so I jump in surprise when they both hug me from behind, practically beaming in happiness. I don't think any of us care what we look like in the moment, because suddenly running into the lawn is Carlos, Jay, Dude, Ben, Evie, and Sera, all looking confused and nervous.

"GUYS!" I shriek, letting go of Uma and Harry. Tearing toward them, I wave my arms in ecstasy. "WE WON! WE WON!"

"We won?" Sera calls back, breaking into a run as well. "Where's Audrey? Where's Mal? Why is Guyliner smiling?"

Everyone meets in the middle, chatter overlapping as everyone either hugs or chest-bumps and Harry, Uma and I answer questions. For a moment, everything is amazing. But then Mal in dragon form flies down, holding Celia in one claw and a limp pink form in the other.

All my ecstasy fades. "Oh, no... Audrey..."

Everyone else notices and we start running that way. Mal changes back to herself, supporting Audrey with one arm. "Guys!" She yells as we draw near. "She won't wake up---I think the scepter drained her at the end somehow."

I look around us. "We had better get her inside before everyone wakes up. Our spell was more recent, so maybe there's a chance it wore off quicker because of that?"

"We'd better hope. This would look really suspicious if someone saw us." Sera says, glancing towards Uma and Harry.

Uma smiles a small smile. "No offense taken. Someone carry her, and we'll bring her to her room. We've been to her dorm, Mal, Evie, Celia, Sera and I can show you where it is."

To my surprise, Harry volunteers to carry her. Nobody argues, and he brings her as gently as he can, following us as we sneak into a waking-up Auradon Prep. Kids everywhere are either stumbling from whatever position they were stuck in when the stone spell struck, or yawning and stretching.

We finally get to Audrey's dorm, shutting the door behind us and locking it. We lay Audrey in bed, but she's still unresponsive.

"C'mon, magic fluff bed, do your magic." Sera mumbles hopefully.

Evie shakes her head sadly. "She's slipping away." She and Mal are seated on either side of the bed while everyone else is either sitting on a sofa, a windowsill, or is pacing.

I grip the end of Audrey's bed, my knuckles turning white. This isn't fair. The scepter did something to her, and we couldn't stop it in time. I may not have liked Audrey much when I was younger, but she doesn't deserve this.

Mal sighs. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's... Pl---"

"Hades." I break in. She looks up at me, surprised. I shake my head, trying to send a message with my facial expressions. You don't have to tell everyone. I'll let everyone think he's my dad. She's going to be Queen. She doesn't need this on top of everything.

Mal smiles faintly at me. "No. Pluto."

"Pluto?" Ben repeats, sunding confused.

"The one who... attacked us. On the Isle. It's his ember now." Mal says slowly. "Hades is his brother. Ellie's dad. Pluto is the only one who could use the ember the way we need now, and nobody knows where Hades is, anyway."

"He attacked us. He wouldn't do it." Ben says stubbornly. "I wouldn't risk it."

"Actually, he might do it for me." Mal admits.

Evie looks up at her friend.

"He's my father." Mal says, watching Ben.

Ben's (who I now notice is missing his fangs and beard) eyes widen in shock. Nobody says anything for a few seconds, the news sinking in, then Ben crosses his arms over his chest. "Okay. Well, I'll have to send guards to get him."

Understanding as ever, Ben.

"Maybe I can hitch a ride." Uma says. We all focus on her, and she shrugs. "The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it."

Harry swings his feet off of the coffee table they're currently on, standing and coming up behind Uma, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Well then. You'll need your first mate."

"The Isle will be in very good hands." Mal says softly. Uma and Harry both smile, looking pleased.

Celia stands, throwing the pillow she was using to the side. "Can I go too?"

Everyone looks over at her. She walks forward slowly, her mind already made up. "I wish I could be in both places."

"You and me both." Sera swallows, coming up behind Celia and rubbing her back. "I'll miss you, squirt."

Celia manages a smile.

Mal watches us all. "I really think that Evie was right." She finally says, and my heart leaps. Maybe the barrier can stay open for now---or maybe we'll remove it, like Evie said!

But Mal looks miserable. "And... I do think that we could've been friends." She smiles sadly at Uma and Harry, who return it halfheartedly. "And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys." She says, addressing the entire group. "You deserve so much better."

"You were just trying to do the right thing." Jay says.

"Yeah." Uma agrees.

Evie is the last to rise, but she smiles briefly at Mal. "I get it." She whispers.

Mal smiles. 


So, Homecoming was last night... and it was... unexpected. 

I mean, it was fun. I went with a big group to a restaurant, then to Hoco, then back to the host's house where we watched a scary movie... (NOT MY IDEA, I HATE HATE HATE HORROR MOVIES) and then I went home at 1 AM and crashed. 

But, um... dancing? Not my thing. Yeah. 

The only time I actually even remotely danced was when they played "You Belong With Me" Taylor Swift and "Shake It Off" Taylor Swift. Because I love T Swift songs. And my date must've thought I was crazy, but whatever. 

And... horror movie. Ugh. I'm going to have nightmares for the next few nights. Plus I'm pretty sure I was the only one who flinched every single time a VERY PREDICTABLE jump-scare happened. 

But enough with my Hoco night. 

Six chapters of "Ellie's Flame: Descendants 3" left!!!! Plus a little something extra... mwahahaaa....  >:)

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