22: Happily Ever After

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Edit: I recorded it guys! It's on a spare YouTube account, and listed above. Note that I'm not the best singer, but I don't have any, like, training or whatever. Hope anyone bothering to listen enjoys!

(Author's Note: In this chapter is something I'm extremely proud of. I hope you enjoy it!)

(Took me like three days to even get the right sound from it... haha)

My parents wanted me to stay with them on the North Mountain, but I needed to be back. Ben and Mal's engagement party is in a few days, and I think everyone could use a little joy right now. 

At this moment, nothing's really going on. The party's tomorrow, and I'm alone in what used to be mine and Brit's dorm room. Her side of the room is empty, and kind of sad-looking now that it's not covered in posters of her favorite movies and books.

I'm laying on my stomach on my bed, Sera's journal open in front of me and my colored pencils scattered around it. Mal gave them to me when she found out I liked drawing in black-and-white. She told me that color makes everything better, which is something I never thought I'd hear from her.

But for the first time, I can't think of a single thing to draw. I never really drew before the VK's, and it doesn't feel like I can now that they're gone.

All my mind can focus on is the barrier. Every part of my heart aches when I think about the Isle of the Lost. I never thought I'd miss the Villain Kids.

Two years ago, the mere thought of the barrier opening made my skin crawl. Now, when I think about how those kids looked not so long ago, I smile. So many kids there will never get to experience the magic of Auradon.

But the Isle is amazing, too. So many people here won't ever see the good side of that island.

What could I have done differently? What could I have changed? Can I do something now, to stop all of this?

I stare at my journal. The quote for today was "People say nothing is impossible. But I do nothing every day".

Arson probably picked this one.

Normally this quote would make me imagine stuffed toys dancing around a picnic table, a fat bear tossing a stick into a river, and an adorable donkey moping about the world.

But today it makes me think. The phrase "nothing is impossible" quite literally could be taken the way Pooh takes it. That could be why Arson likes that movie so much. The animals have such strange logic, and yet it makes perfect sense coming from them.

I wonder if anyone ever tries to be more like Winnie the Pooh.

I push myself up into a sitting position, twirling a blue pencil in my fingers. What if I didn't have to see the world through the eyes of everyone around me? What if it didn't matter what the world sees that I can't? What if none of us cared about that? What if we could see things the way children do, a world shining with possibilities?

What if we could change for the better?

I stand, moving to the window and looking outside at the driveway in front of the Beast statue. ♫My story started with a Queen's ice, and Lord's flame♫ I hold up a hand with each phrase, one shimmering with snow and the other with fire.

♫And a King's choice to change♫ In my mind, I watch the limo arriving with Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay, though I didn't know their names at the time.

♫So when the four chose good♫

♫And they could finally proclaim♫

♫A Happily Ever After♫ I sing, my mind flashing now to our fists connecting together in a lopsided starfish-type thing at Ben's coronation.

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