15: Fairy Cottage

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Ellie's POV

It's late in the night by the time we reach Fairy Cottage. We didn't want to risk getting caught by Audrey's magic by using some of our own, so we ruled out my Poofing. Now that I know the truth about Pluto, my powers have calmed themselves down a bit. Not fully, mind you, I still spark a little whenever I think about the mind-whirling news. But it would theoretically be focused enough to transport a small group.


So, we walk. Or, crouch and scuttle along. As we get nearer to Fairy Cottage, my heart seems to be jumping a mile a minute. Our plan is riding on a lot of things.

Basically, the gist of our timeline is this. We want to surprise Audrey, and if we can't, we'll rush her. Ben and Mal both think that she's been corrupted by the scepter, so our main focus will be to get it away from her. If anyone gets spelled, we're counting on Mal to use the ember to stop it or reverse it somehow. Considering that it wouldn't work for waking Arson up, though, our hopes aren't very high.

So, try to avoid getting spelled.

If worst comes to worst, I'm supposed to either freeze her in a giant block of ice that has no guarantees that it won't hurt her---or transport all of us away to Evie's house again so we can regroup and plan. Again.

We skirt along the rim of Fairy Cottage's fence line, ducking behind trees and bushes to keep out of sight. At the moment, I am so thankful I don't have purely white hair anymore. Because at night it used to glow like a beacon. For now, I just tucked what bits of white I had left underneath my black hair.

Ben brings us up to the flower-covered fence and opens it. I wince internally when I hear is squeak. But nobody comes flying out in a pink-fog-filled rage, so I think we're good when we all dart forward to the door.

Ben slams it open, all of us piling in behind him, posed for a fight.

But... it's empty.

Jay runs upstairs while the rest of us examine the room without touching anything (except Sera, who takes a green pear from a bowl on the table). We mill around for a few seconds silently before Jay comes bounding back down.

"She's not upstairs." he informs us.

A noise of disappointment comes from Mal. We're all just starting to relax when we hear a loud knocking noise coming from a closet to the left.

Mal holds a hand out to stop us while Ben moves forward, peering through the dusted window. His facial expression becomes alarmed, and he unbars then opens up the door to reveal a shivering Chad Charming, his knees tucked up against his chin while he rocks back and forth like an insane person.

Chad's head whips up in surprise, and Ben's voice is full of disbelief. "Chad?"

"I want my mommy." Chad whimpers.

Ben, ever the gentleman, leans down to help him up. Chad recoils instantly, looking at Ben like he's... well, a Beast. Ben talks to him quietly like one would a frightened puppy, taking his arm and pulling him to his feet. "What happened, buddy?" Ben asks once he's up.

Chad looks around the room, fearful. Focusing on each of us, he doesn't look at all surprised to see Harry or Uma. Or Mal, holding a glowing blue rock. Or Dude, who is for some reason licking a table leg.

Then Chad slowly turns to face Ben again. "Ben. BEN!" he seizes the front of Ben's jacket suddenly, his face hovering just inches from Ben's nose. Ben tries to back up, but Chad holds on like he's a lifeline, feeling Ben's beard in wonder.

Wow, that's weird even for Chad. What did Audrey do to Chad?

Chad twitches toward us again, still holding Ben. "She's gone. Huh?" He tilts his head a bit to look at the still-open cottage door. "The door's open." He mumbles. "I'm free. FREE! FREEDOM!" He shrieks, bolting for the door and charging outside, not stopping. His voice fades into the distance with a lot of "FREEEEEEE!!!"s.

Ben chuckles awkwardly. Nobody says a word but for Harry's hysterical laughter, pointing at Ben. Everybody ignores him, stumping out of the house. 


I felt bad that yesterday's chapter was so short, and I'm doing homework... AGAIN... and I got bored. So, short chapter! Again. 

I promise the next one will be long. And emotional. YAY!

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