20: Farewells

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(short chapter, BTW)

It was hard to say goodbye.

I don't think I'll ever forget the years I've had with everyone. Even Uma and Harry. Everything they did suddenly seems like one big joke. We're standing right on the edge of Auradon's bridge, with two limos waiting to take them all back to the Isle. The plan is to drop them off there, then grab Pluto and come back.

Brit hugs me tight. "Say hi to your mom for me when she finally shows up again. And your dad."

"Will do." I promise.

"Still got your bracelet?"

I wave the colored beads. "Didn't do me much good, did they?"

She smiles. "You attract bad magic no matter what you wear."

"Probably because she is full of it." Endora suggests, nudging Brit teasingly. Brit lets go of me to embrace Endora next, and the green-eyed girl's green eyes are suddenly sparkling with held-back tears as she grips her friend tightly.

"I'm really going to miss you, Endora." Brit says sadly.

"I'll miss you too, Brit." She finally pulls away, discreetly brushing tears from her cheek as she backs away. "One second." She takes out her wand, waving it over Brit's head, showering her in sparkles.

"What was that?" Brit asks, sounding confused.

"A spell." Dori says simply. "Oh, you mean specifically? Well, this one'll basically just be a certain kind of spell that won't allow your father to touch you. He'll be able to come near you and everything, and you can touch him, but he can't get himself within two inches of you or he'll get shocked."

Brit gives her a reproachful look. "Mild shock, or Dori shock?"

Endora shrugs innocently, and Brit laughs. "I'll warn him beforehand."

The two limos pull up, and guards start loading suitcases into the trunks. Brit moves away and starts saying goodbye to everyone else. Sera, having said her farewells, comes up behind me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"They'll be fine." She says.

"I know."

"We'll be fine too."

"Sure we will."

She tilts her head to one side. "But?"

I shake my head, watching them depart sadly. "We could've been so much more than 'fine'."

Her mouth quirks upward in a half-smile. "I know. It just ain't gonna happen."

Everyone loads into the limos. I half expect Gil to roll down the windows to wave, but the windows stay up and the limos drive away. 


I know it's short. But anything longer just felt... forced. Really forced. 

Anyways, I'll hopefully post more soon. I'm already working on the next chap, so who knows? Maybe it'll be out today. 

More likely tomorrow. But idk!  :)

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