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I can feel her lips trailing down my lips to her neck with her body pressed into mine. Her hands are still enclosing my wrists, but, unlike before, it was light and comforting.

No, please stop.

I thought in my head, but only moans escaped from my mouth. Seconds ago, my body was cooperating with me and was struggling against her hold. But, now, I don't know what happened that it's suddenly craving her touch.

One of her hands moved from holding my wrist to caressing my thighs and my legs slightly opened on their own accord.

I felt a smirk erupt on her lips as she kept nibbling the skin on my neck.

Even though I knew that I have no match against her strength and her speed, but those never stopped me before from fighting against her, and now that one of my hands are free, I should be fighting against her.

But you're not

Another moan escaped from my lips when those thoughts entered my mind.

Damn those kisses and touches.

"Do you like it?" she asked with a teasing tone. I know she already knows the answer, even if I deny it, it's pretty clear that I'm liking it.

But you shouldn't be.

Never in my life had my body and mind been against one another. I always knew what I wanted, and I never gave an indecisive answer. That's not just who I was

So who is this girl being pressed against this very comfortable bed by an impeccably magnificent woman?

She is a slave, who was once the daughter of a very mighty king and intelligent queen. She is a slave who is forced to do thing she never would have done if the circumstances were normal. She is a slave who is also being manipulated to like the things she is feeling.

That's got to be it

I thought to myself in an attempt to convince me, but as I felt her lips continue its journey down my body and to the precious pearl between my legs, and as I felt my body slightly lift itself from the bed due to heavy anticipation while my hands gripped her hair so that I could feel every pressure of her kisses on my skin, I know that it would only take a matter of time when I wouldn't be able to convince myself anymore.

My train of thoughts were all abruptly skidded into a halt when I felt her lips place a quick peck on my clit which made my hips buck up in response to the jolt of pleasure I just felt.

Then, as she continued to ravish me hungrily, everything that I should be thinking about had pushed out of my mind.

My father. The people of our country. If they're still alive or how they're surviving this horror.

But, most of all, I had forgotten about the intense want that I had been feeling ever since this all started.

The want to kill this woman who started all this chaos. The woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was able to destroy everything my father, along with our ancestors, had worked hard to build.

Worse of all, she doesn't seem to have a motive as to why she's doing all this. It seems like a game to her.

Every damn person in this world knows about everything that's been happening to us, but none of them made an attempt to help. Not one even tried to contact us.

But, we really couldn't blame them.

After all, who would want to mess with an army of vampires.


It's been months since a time curfew of 8:00 pm has been given by the new ruler of our country. I was probably one of the very few people that was gladdened by that announcement.

Finally, they won't be able to throw me out anymore.

I had thought that time, but the new rule only became another proof that solidified the fact that my parents doesn't care about me at all because, despite the punishment of being imprisoned if someone is found wandering the streets past 8:00 pm, my parents still continued to throw me out of the house with a warning that I could only return after the sun has risen.

I am an only child because my mother has a problem with her ovaries. She's had several miscarriages before they had me, so they said I'm a blessing and a miracle. Although, there isn't a time in my life that I can remember them treating me as such. I could only remember them treating me as if I'm garbage. I sometimes think they even forget they have a daughter.

I've tried to find a decent work so that I could save money and live on my own, but it's hard finding a decent job, especially since women are expected to stay at home and do house chores.

I'm becoming so desperate to the point that I've considered taking the offer several brothels have offered me, and as I am once again thrown out of the house, with my last string being pulled, that was where my feet decided to take me, with one goal in mind and bitterness in my heart.

Unfortunately, when I had turned to a corner to enter an alley that will supposedly keep me from the wandering eyes of the soldiers, I had met with a gruesome faith.

I bumped into a group of four men. Judging by their apparel, they are members of the King's guards. But, they look disarrayed and the bottles in their hands had confirmed my assumption that they are drunk to their bones.

"Hey, it's already past the curfew" One of them slurred, the wretch smell of alcohol escaping his lips and burning my nose.

"Do you know what happens to people being caught out of the house past curfew?" Another had spoken up. His face is red and his body is radiating heat from all the alcohol he had drunk, but he looks the most sober out of the four.

I couldn't speak. It felt like I had lost my tongue. I knew that, if someone is caught out of their house during curfew, they would be thrown into prison. But, with the wicked smirks in their lips and devilish glints in their eyes, I knew I would suffer a different, more horrible punishment.

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