Chapter 18

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Edith has been a little bit busy again after that, so I wasn't able to ask her again about Eleanor. But, to be honest, I'm kind of hesitant to ask about her. I saw Edith's eyes become consumed by utter devastation and I don't want to see so much hurt in her again.

I still wanted to know, though, so I tried to ask Elias about it when I had seen him again in the palace. He didn't give much; actually, he didn't give any information at all. He just said that I will know about her when it's time. I just got more frustrated, so I stopped questioning him.

I just busied myself with Christopher's shop; I decided to work for him again. Being at the palace all day without anything to do has become quite boring and I'm pretty sure I will lose my mind the further I stay doing nothing. During the times that Edith won't be able to come with me, she would just pick me up. She started using a car now, one of the royal cars that my father and I had used.

Speaking of my father, Miranda had told me that my father has grown desperate to speak with me. It has been quite a while, but I still can't bring myself to talk to him. All my life, all he would teach me is to help others, to not step on others, to not be blinded by power, and to treat others as our equals. So I feel like he has betrayed me when he revealed that he knew what has been done to Edith and the others and, if it weren't for the fact that Edith was able to escape, I'm pretty sure that he would've continued with the experiment.

I just feel so betrayed by him.

Edith had listened to me all night when I wasn't able to keep it in anymore and just exploded. I knew about her hatred for my father, but she had listened intently and calmly. She didn't give me any advises; she just listened to me, which is exactly what I just needed. After I was done, she encased me in her arms and rubbed my back soothingly to calm me down as well. She started with planting kisses on top of my head, but then she began kissing my cheeks and, before I know it, she was planting sloppy, wet kisses all over my face; making me squeal as I tried to push her away.

Of course, I wasn't able to succeed and she only stopped when my face is full of her saliva. When she pulled away, she had this mischievous glint in her eyes and a childish grin on her face that I didn't mind having a face full of saliva.

After washing my face, I had been able to ask her what businesses she handles. She informed that, few years after escaping, she had figured that they will need money to survive, so she had entered the business game. At first, she was only the first one to enter, seeing that she was the only one who had first controlled the urges. Soon, some of the others followed. There were only few of them, though, around 20, she said. The others were content with being what they are, but they try to help in the way that they can.

With hard work, they were able to reach the top, but they have remained anonymous to people. It will be too much of a risk to let people know who they are, their competitors might hire people to dig about their lives and stumble upon their secret. Other than that, Edith also has to handle other businesses since she is now the new ruler of the country. But, with that, she also decided to handle it from the sideline, sending representatives during the meetings that the leaders of other countries have called.

She told me more about it, giving me elaborate explanations for it. I couldn't understand any of it anymore. My father tried to give me the same lectures before, but he also failed making me understand it. I guess it just doesn't strike my interest.

I liked listening to Edith's voice, though, so I let her explain it all although I wasn't really listening to what she was saying anymore. When it was with my father, I would make up an excuse and hide in my room for hours.

Elias has been frequenting the palace, lately. They told me it's because of their businesses, Elias is one of the owners, after all, but I knew that there is a deeper reason as to why he's always at the palace.

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