Chapter 21

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Days passed by and it has been a routine for me to be raped and beaten, physically and verbally. But, after passing out every time, dull aches would be the only thing greeting me and the sight of Edith sitting across from me.

I don't know what she's doing to me in my sleep, but it's taking the pain away, most of it anyway. That's how I know that my Edith is still in there because she still cares for me. She's still taking care of me... somehow.

By now, my whole is body is covered either in bruises or scratches. I don't even want to know how my face looks like. There were days when Edith would just suddenly slap me, as if the sight of me disgusts her. There were times when she would suddenly throw me against the wall, kick me, or drag me by the hair.

Now, as she is once again inside me, and I being close to being engulfed my darkness, I can feel myself growing weary – weary of everything. I still want to help Edith, but I can feel my energy thinning each passing second that I spend with her and putting up with all this abuse. I can even feel my life draining from me, as if I'm getting closer and closer to death, and he's just waiting from me to jump to him and embrace him.

I'm limp underneath Edith, just letting her finish herself without putting up much of a fight. Edith likes it when I struggle against her, but I can tell she also likes it now that I'm just lying underneath her, almost lifeless.

I closed my eyes, waiting for darkness to consume me already. But, just as I was being embraced by it, I felt Edith's body press against me, her lips finding the skin on my neck then I felt it against mine. My body reacted and my hands placed themselves on her shoulders in a weak attempt to push her away, already expecting her lips to kiss me roughly or maybe even bit it off.

But, it never came.

Edith kissed my lips softly, like she always would after our love making, in a way that feels like she's pouring her heart out into this kiss.

My eyes snapped open when Edith pulled away and was met with her eyes. Her eyes were still black and red but, even in the darkness, I saw her golden hues hiding underneath the darkness of her irises. Her hand found my cheek; caressing it lightly and I couldn't stop myself from enjoying the softness of it, despite the coldness of her hands.

"I'm sorry, Princess"

And that was the last thing I heard before fully succumbing to the darkness.


Of course, when I woke up again, Edith was back to being malicious. The way she looks at me makes me think that what I last remember before passing out is just a dream.

But I know it isn't and that has given me a surge of energy.

I was even more determined to stay with Edith now; my presence is somehow bringing her back. It was just few seconds, but at least there was a good response from her.

Suddenly, I felt bile rising up to my throat. I couldn't stop it from rising that's why, when the door opened, I jumped out of the room. Elias was taken aback after being pushed by me as I emptied my stomach on the floor. He held me, preventing me from falling on the floor, while the vampire he came with hurriedly closed the door before Edith tried to come out, too.

Elias would be dropping by every morning to give me food for the whole day. When the first time he saw me with bruises, he wanted to immediately pull me out. But I denied. Edith even laughed at my decision, horrifyingly, might I add, but I still stayed. She looked at me curiously after that, which was a change from her usual hard look, that's why I was happier that I stayed. That was until she started beating me again.

When Elias saw my condition worsening, he tried convincing me to leave, but my decision would always be the same. Now that I'm out, though, I'm pretty sure he won't be letting me go back in again.

"What happened? What did she do to you? Goodness, Blanche. You look like a bruise that became a person" I couldn't help but laugh at what Elias said, but I had to vomit again so he patiently waited for me to finish. He just held my hair back.

When I was finished, he ordered the vampire to clear out the mess I made before ushering me up to my room. Before we left, I couldn't help but to glance at Edith's door and was surprised to see her peeking from the small window and, for a second, I thought I saw her looking worried. But, before I could be sure, she disappeared into the darkness.

When we were in my room, Elias had let me take a bath, a very much needed one, and change into different clothing. He waited patiently outside my door, knocking from time-to-time to make sure that I was fine.

When I was seated on my bed and he seated at a chair placed in front of my bed, he demanded answers. So I told him everything that has happened between Edith and I inside that room. His face twisted into pain when I told him about being repeatedly raped by Edith, and it twisted into distraught when I told him about the other abuse that I received from her.

"I'm so sorry, Blanche" he started to say, but I cut him off and told him how Edith is doing something in my sleep to make most of the pain go away, and all the other positive reactions I got from her. They were very limited compared to the bad stuff that happened, but they were still there, and I could see that even Elias was shocked to hear those things.

"She must've been making you drink her blood" he stated, and I immediately thought back to the sweet, metallic liquid that would always drip inside my mouth. "Is that why I keep vomiting now?" but, before Elias could answer, I was hurrying towards the bathroom, barely even making it on time to the toilet before I started vomiting once more.

When I came back to the room and sat on my bed once more, I was confused by the torn look Elias was giving me.

"So, is it?" I asked, a smile plastered on my face without a clue as to what will come out of Elias' mouth next.

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