Chapter 5

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I need to get out of here

It's suffocating

I can feel her hands all over me

I can feel her inside of me

Please, stop.

A sob tore through me as I helplessly tried to pull my arms away from her tight grip, but I'm like a paper pressed under a boulder against her.

I can feel her sliding in and out of me

I tried to push her away with my legs or tried to kick her, but she really won't budge. She just kept pumping in and out of me, her thrusts becoming faster and shorter each passing moment.

She kept grunting at each thrust, to the point that it's starting to feel like it's ringing in my head and I just want it to stop.

Please, make it stop

I can feel myself bleeding. Other than that, my lower half began to numb, the only thing I can feel is the sharp pain from whenever she would push back in.

I can also feel my energy being taken from me. I could no longer put up a fight and just sobbed to myself pathetically. I don't know how long she went at it, but it felt like years for me when her grunts turned to short intakes of breath.

Not long after, I felt her burst inside of me.

When she was finished, she got off of me and started to casually dress herself, as if she didn't just raped me. She was looking at me with blank eyes while I was willing myself to gather up the strength to prop myself up on my elbows and looked down at between my legs and saw blood.

A cry tore through my mouth and I muffled it with one of my hands as tears began streaming down my face again.

The sharp pain kept getting stronger and I just want to cut the lower part of my body to make it go away.

I looked up at Edith, who just finished clothing herself, and she just rolled her eyes at me before walking out of the room. When the door closed, I heard the lock click before it was taken over by silence.

All I could hear is my muffled cries. I couldn't tore my eyes away from the sight in front of me

I've been raped.

I tried to curl myself in a fetal position, but when I tried to move my legs, the sharp pain that I was feeling intensified that all I  could do was cry to myself while bleeding.

Please, kill me.

I kept repeating that thought over and over again to the point that it felt like I was chanting it.


Why did she do it

I couldn't stop myself crying. I kept remembering how she felt inside of me. How she invaded me. I couldn't stop hearing her voice in my head, the way she kept groaning in my ear while pumping inside of me.

"Please, make it stop" I muttered out in a cry, as if she's still on top of me and inside of me.

Then, I started scratching against my skin in every part of my body. I can't stop feeling her hands from where she touched me and I want it to stop.

My skin was turning very red from all the scratching that I'm doing, but it didn't stop me.

I didn't know how long I was doing that. Crying, scratching and screaming. For hours, that's all I could do. I didn't even have the energy to lift myself off of bed long enough to clothe myself. But, after tiring myself out completely, I was able to drift off to sleep, in a state wherein I am closest to death.


When I had woken up the next day, I wasn't feeling anything, not even pain, and it was in those moments that I had temporarily forgotten what had occurred the night before. I just sat there and stared into nothingness for a few minutes before deciding to get out of bed.

When I swung my legs to the side of bed, it made me look down and that was when I remembered.

I have clothes on.

I told myself before shifting my eyes to the bed and couldn't see any trace of what had happened last night; meaning, there's not a trace of my blood on the bed, and the pain between my legs is nowhere to be found.

Did I just dream it?

If so, that is a very horrible dream. But, I will take a horrible dream over a horrible reality anytime so, I really wish it was just a dream.

But, it felt so real.

I thought as I stood up and walked towards the door. The absence of pain in my body made me smile a little, but it was short-lived when I tried to open the door and failed. 

"It wasn't a dream"I sighed to myself and went back on bed.

But, how come I'm not feeling any pain?

Then, as if the world is trying to provide me answers for everything I've been asking since I have woken up, I heard the lock on my door click and was immediately followed by Edith walking in... with a tray of food.

She placed it on the nightstand next to me and stared at me with a blank look, so I stared at her back.

It was hard to just stare at her with a blank face and I really didn't want to be the one to break it, but it seems that Edith could do this longer than my life could ever be, so I decided to break it, and the silence as well.

"Where's Miranda. Why are you the one bringing me food?"I asked her grumpily and tore my gaze from her. "She's not allowed to see you. You're not allowed to see anyone else. So I will be the one, personally, to give you your needs" she said in a monotone. She then came to sit next to me, her movements becoming gentle. But, when her body touched mine, my body flinched instinctively and I moved away from her.

When I looked up at her again, the scary look on her face was gone and was replaced with a... more humane one and, once again, I was hooked in by her.

"How much have you read?" she asked; instilling confusion in me.


"I know that you were reading somewhere when I found you under your father's table" her voice is stern again, but it's not the scary one. It's more like a parent scolding a child, while also letting them know they're not mad. But, the knowledge of being caught made my heart pound.

"That's where you found out about what happened to me, right?" I didn't know that she was inching her hand closer to mine until I felt it graze mine. The look in her eyes prevented me from moving it away again.

"How much do you know?" she asked once again.

I like it better when she's like this. Gentle. It does not erase the fact that she defiled me the night before and is probably torturing my father, along with the other humans, but, when she acts like this, it makes me wonder why she's being like this.

Was it because of the fact that she was raped? Or is there something more written in that paper that would tell me why she's doing this?

"I've only read up to the part that you've been... raped" I muttered quietly with my gaze dropping to the floor.

I heard her take a deep breath, like very deep, as if she's trying hard to stop herself from exploding at me for lying to her. When I felt her body move, my eyes closed in their own accord in fear that she will hold me against the bed and repeat what she did to me last night.

When she took hold of my arm, I prepared myself to beg her again, even though I'm sure that she won't listen to me, like last night. But, when I felt her pull my body towards her and placed her head on my shoulder while her arms wrapped around me tightly, the words got stuck in my mind and I was left with my mouth agape and eyes wide open in shock.

But, these actions, these actions from her are what convinces me that there's more to her than this.

These actions are what convinces me that Edith Cordelia is not the monster she wants everyone to see.

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