Chapter 17

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When we entered Christopher's shop and Miranda noticed us, she almost passed out, to say the least. When Christopher noticed who I was with, he kept tripping over his feet as he rushed over to accommodate us. Christopher bakes some mean goodies, and his barista makes really nice coffees, teas, and pretty much every drink you could think of.

That man was born for this job.

While Miranda was giving me an earful about suddenly disappearing, Christopher handed us some food and a frappe for Edith and I. Edith is quietly munching on the food provided for us while she just sat there and listened to Miranda admonish me.

Miranda hasn't really acknowledged Edith ever since we arrived and, as much as I want to say she wasn't hostile towards Edith, I can't. Well, she hasn't been verbally hostile, physically, too. But, the glares that she kept throwing Edith every now and then are an obvious sign that she doesn't like Edith.

Ever since my mother had died, Miranda became my mother figure. I also know how badly she wants to have a child of her own, which she obviously wasn't able to have because of her work so, just like she took the role of being my mother figure, I took the role of being her... daughter figure. So I can understand why she is being hard on Edith.

Miranda being disappointed is an understatement, but when I told her what had happened to me during my walk home, she went livid. Not towards me since it's not like I wanted that to happen. Maybe it was a little bit directed towards Edith since it was a vampire after all that defiled me; let's not forget the fact that Edith herself had done it to me, too. But, she had immediately grown quiet when I told her that it was Edith that saved me from the vampire.

I didn't expect her hostility towards Edith to suddenly disappear after that revelation, but at least it has gone down relatively. She has now stopped giving Edith glares; she's still not talking to her, though. When Edith has caught Miranda looking at her and gave her a smile, Miranda even returned it.

Gosh, I'm so happy right now.

"So, are you really going back to the palace?" Miranda had spoken again after a long pause fell among us. Even Christopher looked nervous when Miranda had stopped talking.

"Do you want me to go back with you?" Miranda had asked after I nodded my head in confirmation to her first question. "No, Miranda. I will be fine. You stay here" I then discreetly looked at Christopher who is currently looking at Miranda a look of pure admiration. "Maybe you should rekindle some old love" I teased while wiggling my eyebrows suggestively at her.

Miranda's face turned red at that as she tried to deny what I was insinuating. Even Edith looked amused at our exchange.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Miranda became wary once all the playfulness from us had simmered down. "Don't worry, Miranda. I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself" I placed my hand on top of hers and patted it in an assuring manner.

"I will also take care of her" For the first time since we came in, Edith had spoken. Miranda and I weren't the only ones to notice; each and every person in the shop had stopped what they were doing and turned to us, specifically to Edith. I'm sure Edith is very much aware of the attention that she has garnered, nevertheless, she continued with what she was saying. "I swear to you that I no longer want to hurt your Princess. I can never, for the life of me, bring myself to hurt her once again or even make her upset because, this time, she is my Princess, too. I'd even go as far as to call her my Queen" Edith's eyes not once looked away from Miranda when she had said that and her eyes and voice were practically oozing with passion when she said her speech.

When I looked around the shop, I can see it from the eyes of every people that I'm not the only one that's swooning from Edith's words. I'd probably have to fight each of them now to keep Edith, maybe even Christopher.

You don't have to. Edith already chose you.

Okay, I really don't need to make myself swoon further.

When Edith took my hand and gave it a light squeeze, I might as well have melted on my chair.

Unfortunately, when I said every person in the shop is swooning over Edith's words, Miranda isn't one of us. Right now, she's still looking Edith with a blank stare as if she's still assessing everything Edith had said. Her look is making me so damn nervous, though. Of course, Edith is unfazed by it. She is patiently waiting for Miranda's reply.

While I was looking at Edith, I saw from my peripheral vision that Miranda looked at me. Honestly, I'm too nervous to look at her right now, so I just continued looking at Edith. That was until a sigh escaped Miranda's lips, I had to look at her then.

"Well, first of all, it's not like I have a say in this since she's already staying with you again, and I have a feeling that, even if I say no, you'd still take her back with you" Miranda had stated rather flatly.

"Yes" was Edith's blunt reply. I couldn't stop the gasp from escaping my lips or from hitting her arm with a slap. "Edith!" I admonished, but she just gave me a pointed look before averting her eyes back to Miranda.

I heard some of the customers snicker at that.

"But that doesn't mean I don't value your opinion. I am aware that you are more than just a servant for Blanche, you are family to her. I will still want your blessing. If you won't give it now, I will take Blanche back with me, but I will still try with my every inch of my being to make you change your mind about me"

I think I fell in love with her even more... Along with the others here

"At least you're honest" when Miranda had said that, I almost thank every god known to man when I had seen a small smile made its way to her lips. "I'm still not comfortable with the princess staying with you, but seeing this lovesick look in her eyes and pure devotion in yours, I think I can put my feelings aside and let you two lovers be" Edith let a smile of her own become evident in her face at Miranda's words while the people around us erupted in a cheer.

Later that night, Edith and I were cuddled up on her bed. We weren't making love; we just wanted to enjoy each other's company. I have my arms wrapped around her with my head on her shoulder and I would feel her plant kisses on top of my head from time-to-time with a sigh of relief.

None of us were talking, I was thinking back to our conversation with Miranda earlier today. After Miranda 'giving us the blessing' to live with one another, the atmosphere evidently became lighter. Miranda only gave us the blessing after making me promise to visit her very often, possibly every day and, since I'm not really doing anything at the palace, that's not such a hard thing to do.

Edith and Christopher had also grown acquainted with one another while Miranda and I caught up with one another during the days that I disappeared, according to her.

During our stay at the shop, there were people that approached Edith, too. I can tell that she's not used with the attention that she was receiving, but everyone wanted to at least share a few words with the new Queen before going on their way. I also heard some of them thanking Edith for helping them resolve their problems.

I guess Edith has been busy in the city, too. I remember myself thinking.

But, during my reminiscing; there was a thought that came and wrecked the train of thoughts I was having.

I propped myself on my elbow and looked Edith with curiosity, something she noticed. "Is there a problem?" she had asked, her hand instinctively going to my back and rubbing it comfortingly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Love"

Love, it has been what she had been calling me ever since my return. It's quite endearing coming from her.

"Have you been with other women before?" I noticed that her hand became stagnant when the question fully came out of my mouth, but her eyes didn't move away from mine.

She looked hesitant to answer.

"Yes" was her short reply and, by now, it seems like she's having an internal battle with herself and trying hard not to look away from me.

"What's her name?"

"Eleanor" her other hand went to my chin and she pulled me in for a kiss. That was all I could ask because she started kissing me deeply and purpose. What was the purpose? Make me forget what I was asking and thinking, which is something she succeeded in.

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