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Moments later, I saw Elias emerge from below and walked towards where Edith was standing. When they met halfway, Elias gave her a pat on the shoulder, something Edith returned with a smile on her face.

I haven't really paid attention before until Elias mentioned it, but Edith does rarely smile, that's probably why my heart would always feel like it's doing a rigorous exercise whenever she would throw one at me, especially after making love, because her smile will be so genuine and passionate after making love.

I could die of a heart attack, and I'd die happily.

I shook my head to shoo those thoughts away when I saw Edith and Elias part ways, with Elias now replacing Edith's position in front of the lined vampires while Edith, I assume, is journeying towards me.

It didn't take long for my assumption to be proven true because, in less than a minute, I felt Edith's familiar arms wrapping around me from behind while she placed a kiss against my temple.

"Are you done with your training?" I had asked her without taking my eyes off of the field, but I placed my hands on top of hers that is currently entwined in front of my stomach.

"I am, they're not" I giggled at her answer.

"Elias said that your strength and speed will be for nothing if you don't have proper techniques" I inquired curiously. But, instead of answering, she just patted my stomach and said "You're about to see".

Elias seemed like he was giving a speech, probably in his messed up way, before pointing at three men that stepped forward and lined in front of him. Elias remained standing with his arms behind his back even after the three men position for battle.

"I'm sure Elias told you that he's not like us, since he can't stop talking all about himself to someone he just met" I nodded. Elias has bombarded me with much information about him but his way of telling it kind of made all information he has given stick with me.

"His technique is timing and patience. He's also good at targeting pressure points, that's how he takes his opponents down most of the time"

"Most of the time?" I asked for clarification.

"Sometimes he'll just anger his opponent so much with his talking that they'll carelessly thrash in hopes that it would get him that they'd end up hurting himself" I couldn't stop another giggle from escaping at that. "It sounds just like him"

"I taught him different techniques, but he's not that fond of them so he rarely uses it. He taught me all about pressure points and, although he wanted to teach me about talking my opponents until they go literally mad, I had to refuse that. I'm not as talkative as him" Edith told as we watched Elias' battle commence from below us

"You're not talkative at all" I argued.

Fortunately, Elias decided to attack his opponents using their pressure points and not by talking. Despite it being funny to watch, it will also be boring as hell. At first, Elias would just circle around his enemies, evading their attacks much like what Edith was doing earlier, letting them punch, kick, scratch, and bite.

"How come you're all training for fighting?" Edith looked at me as if she's more confused than I am. "I mean, you've told me that training is all what you've practically done before all this. Is this really necessary?" I felt Edith's arms tense around me at that. "We never know what may happen, Blanche. We just want to always be on our best" somehow, something in me knew that there is a deeper message in her words than what she's trying to lead on. But, I didn't want to ask her. Whatever it is, I'm sure she along with Elias, and the others, will find a way to settle it.

I just hope that it doesn't require taking over another country.

After that talk, silence settled upon us again and we went back to just watching Elias who now started fighting back. He really isn't fighting, per se, but he's using his opponent's momentum to his advantage. When one of the vampires jumped at him with great speed, I was barely able to see it; Elias poked the middle of his chest. Even from this distance, I was able to see the pain that took over the man's face as he struggled to breathe through the pain. But, before he was able to land, Elias had hit another pressure point in the man's body, making him paralyzed and dropping down heavily on the ground.

Wisely enough, the two remaining opponents had tried to use this as an opportunity to take Elias down.

Take note: tried.

With the way Elias moved, it was obvious that he was aware about what the two men were planning, he was probably even waiting for them to do it. As soon as the two men made a dash for him, Elias dropped to his knees. It was clear that they didn't expect him to do that, they probably expected him to jump out of the way or just attack them and, so, because of that, they weren't able to process what to do next properly and ended up stumbling over Elias. When they were mid-air, Elias grabbed each of their feet and slammed them together.

When they dropped down, Elias stood up while turning to face us and giving us an overly dramatic vow.

I looked at the two men behind him and concluded that Elias did more than just grabbing their feet with the way they are currently crawling away from him.

Shortly after that, Elias had to leave to return to the city. Edith had dismissed her men from training, but some of them still remained while the others went back to their assigned work.

"You still haven't informed Miranda that you are living with me again" Edith had spoken when she had left the showers and emerged back to the room with only a towel wrapped around her lower body, giving me a nice view of her breasts as she moved around the room, my hands already aching to touch them.

Control yourself, Blanche. I admonished myself inwardly. You can't have your hands on her body all the time... Although that's exactly what I want.

"She's probably beyond worried by now, thinking about what happened to you" she continued once she had grabbed a pair of underwear and started clothing herself. "I can go to her now, there's not much I'm doing, anyway" I shrugged. I have really forgotten about the fact that I haven't been able to tell Miranda that I'm with Edith again. 'Beyond worried' will be an understatement at how she's feeling right now, that's for sure.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Edith asked. "If you're not busy, then a company will be great. Delightful if it's yours" honestly, I don't know when I started becoming this smooth, but I'm proud of myself when I saw Edith's face turn pinkish. It's not as red as my face whenever she makes me blush, but at least I was able to make her blush.

"I have nothing else to do as well"


Before, my father and I would always use to royal car whenever there's some businesses or events in the city that needs attending, so I'm not really used to walking long distances. For some reason though, Edith prefers walking.

The reason is pretty much obvious.

So here we are walking towards the city on foot. To be honest, I'm not complaining. I can appreciate the surrounding better when walking than when I'm inside a car and, despite Edith barely speaking, I'm really enjoying this time with her. It's a nice change since we're always in the bedroom doing you know what, I'm not complaining about that one, though, that one will always be my favorite thing about us.

We're already nearing the block where Christopher leaves and I'm not even feeling much soreness from my feet.

"Will it be alright if I will be there?" Edith asked warily when Christopher's shop came in sight. "Maybe it will be better if I just wait outside" I calmed her nerves down by taking her hand and rubbing the back of it with my thumb.

"It will be fine"

"Doesn't she hate me?"

I was left speechless at that. While Miranda hasn't really said hateful words towards Edith, just by the fact that she was very eager to escape her means that her feelings towards Edith isn't friendly.

I didn't reply to her.

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