Chapter 20

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She's inside of me, was all I could think of when Edith had forcefully slipped inside of me. She looked menacing on top of me, her eyes holding nothing but anger and hatred as she looked down at me, and being the recipient of such negative emotions added to the hurt that I'm already feeling.

The first time that Edith had defiled me had only hurt physically. I started to stop hating her then, but I still didn't like her when she did that to me. But, now, now that I have experienced how thoughtful, affectionate, sweet, and caring she can be, it's emotionally draining especially because I know that Edith also doesn't want to be like this. No matter how hard she tries, though, she can't escape it or fight it.

I can already imagine the guilt that will strike her once all of this is done and she sees what she has done to me. Neither one of us could stop it, though.

"Edith, no" my voice sounded weak as I tried to beg her to stop, but she just hissed at me to be quiet. She was holding onto my shoulders to keep herself up, and her grip was so tight that I'm sure it will easily bruise. But the pain between my legs was numbing every other pain that I was feeling.

There was barely any lubrication in my nether region when Edith had plunged herself in, and the way her thing is rubbing on my walls were painful; making me cry out in pain. I tried pushing her away from me with both my arms and legs despite already knowing that it was futile. I was desperate enough to try anyway.

This only seemed to anger Edith, though, as she pushed me harder against the mattress, her nails now digging inside my skin and eliciting a new set of screams from me.

I was still struggling underneath her when Edith started groaning against the skin of my neck.

She's close.

Edith came inside me countless of times before, but I already knew this would be a different feeling than those times – A bad different. When she came, all I wanted was for it to be over it but I couldn't do anything but cry. Edith didn't seem bothered by it, if ever, she was probably even happy that everything she's doing is causing so much discomfort and pain to me. When she finished emptying herself inside of me, she pulled herself out, pulled her pants up and walked to the corner again, not once giving me a glance.

I placed a hand over my mouth to try to smother the sound of my uncontrollable sobs, but even that attempt was futile. I couldn't feel my legs and pain kept shooting up my body. It felt like sandpaper was rubbed against my walls for hours.

I felt something dripping from between my legs and, thinking it was just Edith's sperm, I looked down only to see red.

Panic rose up from my stomach and I felt my heart starting to beat more erratically than ever. I tried to utter out words, tried to call for help, but all my words got stuck on my throat and all I could do was hyperventilate on the mattress.

Then I passed out.


I felt something trickling on my mouth, traveling down my throat. It tasted of metal, but also something sweet. I felt myself craving for more, my mouth trying to find the source of it only to come up empty, the source of it already gone.

When I opened my eyes, it suddenly felt like a dream because I was still on the mattress and Edith is still sitting across from me; looking at me as she didn't just raped me... again. When I propped myself up on the bed, I suddenly remembered all the thing that Edith has done to me and the pain it brought to me, so I expected the pain to shot up my body when I moved. But the pain I felt wasn't what I expected it to be, the pain I felt was dull and nothing like the pain I had felt.

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