Chapter 12

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A hand flew up to cover my mouth and stopped the scream from escaping it.

I looked back into red eyes and, even through the darkness, I saw the malicious intent in them. The vicous smirk on his face also gave it away.

At one glance and you would immediately know that he's of Edith's kind. He's towering over me, he's probably as tall as Edith, maybe even more, and the bulging muscles underneath the garments he's wearing pretty much states that he can break me like a toothpick if I make a wrong move.

Although, even without the muscles, I'm pretty sure he can still break me like a toothpick.

"Hey there. You don't mind keeping me company, right?" his voice were deep and it was scary, making the hair on my body stand as an unpleasant feeling crept down my spine.

"The night can become quite lonely for us, you know" he then stepped forward to move closer to me, probably press his enormous body against mine. I also saw him raise his other hand, but I didn't bother to see where he would place it and just closed my eyes.

I knew just from the look on his eyes that he is beyond listening. He only has one goal in mind, and that is to assault me. It's not like I could try to talk him out of it, though. His hands would only muffle my words.

His hands suddenly left my mouth, and I closed my eyes tighter as I expected him to start his malevolent act of raping me.

But, when seconds went by and nothing came in contact with my body other than the cool breeze of the night, I risked opening my eyes a little to take a peek and saw that he was no longer in front of me.

Initially, I thought that maybe he regretted what he did and fled away. It's not like I could tell on him. I didn't really etched his face on my mind.

I don't want another face haunting me relentlessly.

But, when I looked to my right, I saw him being pinned down by a woman who didn't hesitate delivering a punch to his face which effectively knocked him out.

Even in the dark, I could tell who she is. Her tall, slim figure is hard to miss, not to mention each part of her body is already engraved on my mind. Hours of admiring it and even having it pressed against me has helped me memorize her features quite well.

Just by the way she stood, towering over the now unconscious vampire, I already knew who she is.

I've missed her was the first thing that came into mind as I looked at her flowing, silky hair. I haven't been gone for long, but it seems like her hair grew longer than the last time I saw her. Her skin still looks healthy and smooth, probably smoother than before.

My hands ached to run my fingertips along its surface.

When she turned around to look at me, I didn't expect my heart to skip a beat when her golden hue eyes met mine.

Her eyes didn't have any malicious intent, unlike the man. It only contained longing and sadness. Her forehead creased with hesitation as her eyebrows moved closer to each other.

I saw her hand twitch, but other than that, she didn't make a move. She just stood there; staring at me, and I stared at her, too

"T-Thank you" I forced myself to mutter out when seconds have gone by and she still haven't made a move. My voice even seemed to startle her when her body flinched upon hearing it.

She took a reluctant step forward, and the light that found its way to her had shown the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. When I analyzed her further, I noticed that her breathing was irregular and labored, as if she's just forcing herself to breath because her lungs won't do it voluntarily.

Her eyes won't also stop looking around, but it seems like she's also trying her hardest not to look at anything but me. As much as I wanted to swoon at that, I could tell that her focusing on me is not because she was happy to see me. It's like she's trying to focus on me so she won't have to look at her surroundings and, with every second spent in this alley, her face is growing more wary.

"Edith, are you-" I tried to reach out to her, worried. But, before I could even take a step forward, I was being hauled out of the alley panically.

It took me several seconds to realize what was happening because her quick movements made my head spin.

She was carrying me bridal-style, but her arms were shaking underneath me as she jumped out of the alley and made a quick dash away from it.

I wasn't able to see where we were going because I closed my eyes in order to prevent dizziness from hitting me. But, the air hitting my eyes also made it hard in keeping it open.

When I felt her stop moving, I opened my eyes and saw that we were on top of a rooftop of some building. It was over-looking the city, but I wasn't able to admire it for long.

Edith carefully set me down on my feet as shr started to breath noisily through her mouth, as if breathing through her nose is not enough anymore.

I wanted to move closer to her and encase her in a hug or even simply touch her arm, but my legs felt wobbly when I tried to move them, probably because of the fast pace Edith moved in seconds ago.

But, as soon as I gained back even a little amount of control of my legs, I risked face-planting myself on the floor and moved towards her and pulled her into a hug, in which she returned tighter.

It wasn't tight enough to suffocate me, but it was tight enough to feel every muscle underneath her skin shaking uncontrollably.

She's having a panic attack.

I whispered comforting words in her ears as I kept switching from rubbing her back to rubbing her arm soothingly in an attempt to calm her down.

We stayed like that for several minutes. In the time that I had been with Edith, I had seen her in different states, but never vulnerable like she is right now. No matter the situation, Edith never showed any sign of weakness or vulnerability, even when we were alone.

So this is all very new to me and, other than the fact that I'm worried that my attempts of calming her down is futile, I'm also worried about the reason why or what made her become this shaking mess. But I didn't stopped comforting her or tried to make her talk.

I let her take her time to recover and, even if it would take hours, I would patiently wait for it to come.

Fortunately, though, I didn't have to wait for another minute because her shaking had slowly ceased and her breathing became even again.

I moved slightly away from her to look at her and saw her with her eyes closed.

I removed my hands from her arms and placed it on her cheeks, in which she responded to by placing her own on top of it.

She still looks disheveled.

She already fully stopped shaking, but her eyes remained closed as if she's focused on keeping her breathing even. So I resorted to rubbing my thumbs softly against her cheeks.

Even when we had talked about the time that she was raped, she didn't reacted like this. Yes, she was livid... She even did the unholy act to me because of her anger. But she was never vulnerable.

"That was the alley that where they violated me"

Until now.

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