Chapter 8

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"I can still feel it" Edith suddenly spoke after being engulfed by silence.

"Feel what?" I had asked.

"All the things they did to me. Starting from when they raped me, up to the point that I was strong enough to escape. I can still feel the pain of having several needles inside of me and chemicals being pumped forcibly into my veins. I can also still remember the way they cut me or when they would release their frustration on me.

When I woke up after I was raped, I was thankful that I survived because I thought I would have a chance to get justice for me, even if I have to get my hands dirty. But, when the experiment started, I got jealous by those who died instantly."

I was surprised by the rawness of her voice. Her arms were still wrapped around me, her chin rested on my shoulder, but I can feel the intensity of her emotions in her voice, and I can feel it through the vibrations of her body.

"Every time I would pass out due to pain, I would always wish I would wake up somewhere else, or that I won't wake up at all. But that never happened. I would wake up at the same cold, metal table. The only thing that would change is the people studying me or the chemicals they would force in me. But, what's worse of it was the four people that corrupted me would always be the ones guarding me. So, every time I would open my eyes, they would be the first one I would see, sometimes even the last and I wanted so bad to wipe the smirk off their faces. I'm sure they even defiled me several times when I would pass out.

But, suddenly, they weren't there. I later found out that they were sent on a ranging mission and never came back... I didn't even got a chance to get my justice. Not long after that, I felt something in me starting to change. I was growing weaker, but, at the same time, I was feeling a strength in me that was never there befor. The doctors and scientists noticed it, too. They were ecstatic by the change in me... Then I died... Or I thought so. When I woke up, I was somewhere else. It's not the cliché 'I-woke-up-and-everything-is-white' stuff. No, none of that" by this time, Edith had moved away from me, but now she's looking at me directly in the eye.

I wasn't bothered by it, though. I was hearing her side of the story and I wanted to make sure that I hear every bit of it.

"I woke at the street where I was raped, but it was peaceful. There weren't people fighting at each corner, every house were silent, none of them were housing chaos, and everything just felt peaceful. I thought everything that happened was a dream, but then I woke up. The faces I saw weren't familiar, and the room changed. At first, I thought they transferred me until I heard someone say that it was the year 1960's. I can't remember exactly when, but I was asleep for approximately 40 years. They weren't sure when I would wake up, but the changes in me had made them keep me for that long; hoping that they could transfer what they had done to me to others"

Then, she became silent.

I raised an eyebrow at her, silently questioning why she had stopped speaking. But she just released a deep sigh and walked to her bed, or my father's bed, and sat on the edge of it. It seems like that she's now in deep thought. So I just followed her and sat at the other side of the bed.

"I just wanted to have a good life, you know" she then said quietly, after another moment of pregnant pause. "I just wanted to get a decent job, get out of my parent's house, and live just a simple life. Never in my life had I thought that this would happen to me. Although, nobody ever really thought of this happening to them. I mean, who would ever thought of becoming a vampire, or close to it, and overthrowing the King." then she snickered "Who would ever think of becoming a monster"

"I don't think you're a monster" I suddenly blurted out, which shocked the both of us. Her eyes widened a little when she turned to look at me, and I'm sure I look like a deer caught in the headlight.

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