Unexpected Run In (Dean)

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You and your best friend had to go to the store... again! She wasn't to impressed that you ate the WHOLE pie in under and hour.

As y'all were walking in the parking lot to the store you noticed a sleek black '67 Chevy Impala.

"Oh my god!! Sam and Dean are here!" you started to do the whole fangirl thing.

"Listen to me y/n, they are fake. Repeat after me," she talked slow for you, "they. are. fake." as you had an unimpressed look on your face.


"Ight! Bet!!"

"Play along," you said as you seen them coming.

"Mhm, what ever you say."

You being you, you went over the top with acting, "Dude look! My friends Sam and Dean drive one just like this!" Looking over you seen them slow down their pace.

"Come on we need more pie, BECAUSE YOU ATE THE WHOLE THING!" you groaned in annoyance, she wasn't living this down.

"Come on we need to hurry we have that 'case' to work on and i'm pretty sure Cas is... god knows where."

As y'all started back walking to the store, y'all ended up walking right in front of the boys as they had a shocked face. Dean had his hand reaching for his knife and Sam was stuck holding most of the bags.

"Oh shït! Y/bsf/n run!" And y'all took of into the store laughing.

"Hey get back here," Dean yelled running after y'all, handing Sammy the other two bags telling him to put them in Baby and be careful with the pie.

lol this sucks!
ima try to start updating more
bye bye,, peace out,, gotta blast !!

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