Stay With Me (Dean)

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WARNING: ANGST !! << a little i guess and begin


"Haha..if you think that Dean Winchester is coming, you couldn't be more wrong. Why don't you just kill me now, before I kill you?" You spat into the demons face, making him slap you in return.

It stung, you're not going to lie. You had no idea why they took you, of all people. You were no use to them. Certainly no use in luring in a Winchester and the least of them, Dean. It wasn't like he's in love with you or anything. Sometimes, you think that he even hates you. Well, hate might be a strong word but it was close to describe the feeling he had towards you. At least, he makes you feel that way.

"Dean won't come." You look up to the demon, your eyes already bloodshot and weary.

"Bitch, you have no idea! And now, shut up or I'll have to gag you." Another slap on the other cheek, almost sending the chair that you were sitting on flying across the room.

"Hey, jerk, if you hurt a woman again, I'll fucking slice you up!" Dean called out, coming into the room, the demon knife in his hand.

"Oh, hello, Dean. Long time no see!" The demon greeted him. "Came to rescue your lover?"

"You let her go. Now!"

"No can do, Deano. I got both of you where I want you."

"You can have me! Let her go. She's no use to you!" He was angry, you could see, his gaze fixed on the demon, his brain already working out the next move.

"This lady said that you're not going to come for her. That you didn't feel anything towards her." The demon had a knife in his hand and he slowly let the blade slide over your cheek, not quite hurting you yet. "So, then I guess, if I do this, you won't feel a damn thing, Winchester, am I right?" He asked as he stroke his arm out, only to ram the blade into your stomach.

"Y/N!" Dean yelled, rushing forward, pushing the demon to the wall, Dean's forearm pressed into the demon's throat, choking him.

"Fuck you, asshole!" Dean mumbled, driving the demon killing knife into the demon's stomach.

Dean rushed over to you afterwards, but you were already drifting in and out of consciousness. He cut the robes on your wrists with his knife, freeing you from them. "Hey, Y/N." He cupped your face between his palms. "Stay with me, alright? Hey, stay with me."


math sucks booty *eyeroll*


how are y'all gorgeous  people ?!


bye bye,, peace out,, gotta blast

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