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Jensen is a single father. His only daughters being JJ, or Justice. It wasn't an easy task, but he managed and it worked out in the end.
Except when he had to bake for the schools sale. Each parent had to make up to 2 batches of brownies for the PTC meeting. He wasn't so good, but he was going to make it work.
"Yo! Jen!" you yelled to him as you say him walking in.
All the other women, single or not, even some men had the look of jealousy on their face. It was all because that you can talk to Jensen. Not because he thought he didn't have to take to them. They would just try and flirt with him. He had a career and a child to look to, a relationship was not on his mind.
"What's up!" y'all did a little handshake you two made. Well it was really JJ's and Jess' but y'all took it for y'all own.
"Oh you know. Busy,"you both laughed.
"Come on help me put out the brownies," Jensen asked, as you two walked to the back.
You grabbed a few brownies, hidden in your jacket pocket, during the meeting.
"This lady is so boring," you and Jensen lent over to say at the say time. He laughed while you giggled, making sure to stop when a man and a woman turned around to look at y'all. Finishing  her speech she asked if anybody had questions, in which only a few raised their hands.
Long story short the PTC leader screamed out to everyone, "WHO MADE POT BROWNIES?!"
You gasped looking at Jensen and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Only brownies i know how to make," he replied ending in both a fit of quite giggles as y'all looked around 'trying to find the culprit'.

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