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Being in an orphanage isn't fun. Especially when you're the oldest and you have so many people relying on you. You don't have a tradgic backstory of your parents dying, they just didn't want you. You were nothing special and learned that from a very young age. 
You did everything for the littler children running around. Cooked, cleaned up, had them up and ready for school, things that the 'care takers' here didn't do. They didn't care for y'all, they just wanted the check to come every month. That's why the didn't care your y'all well-being, especially when they would hit y'all. Of course you took the kids beatings, plus yours. The only thing was you were 16 and you had less that two years left and you stand thinking of leaving the kids.
Coming 'home' after a horrible day of hell- I mean school. No I mean hell would be better. At least you would get to bond with the King of Hell. Yes, the lovely Crowley. You were a major fan of Supernatural. You always dreamed what it would be like to meet Jared and Jensen.
Getting the kids off the bus, you sent them to their shared rooms to change and start homework. Yours being down already you went downstairs to watch another episode of the wonderful show. As you sat for a few minutes you seen a streak of black and the sun reflecting off of something to your eyes. Looking over, out the window you couldn't believe it. It was an Impala. And 1967 Impala, to be exact. Running around the back you didn't even hear Ms. Patty, the lady in head of the orphanage call for all the kids to come down.
"Oh my God!" you heard one of the kids scream from inside and you took off from inspecting the car.
"What happened?" You bust through the door, looking around for a threat. Only to find three tall men.
"Y/n," Bobby, one of the older kids that watch Supernatural with you whispered, "it's Sam, Dean and Cas."
You laughed at him, getting on your knee, "Bobby, what did I tell you about that?"
"Supernatural isn't real, but always keep salt nearby," he mumbled, slightly disappointed.
"Now give me a high-five bud."
So I gotta actually do my school work now, I might finish this buttt who knows.
Love yallll
ps. have a good day and know that I think you're pretty awesome.

So this didn't upload while I was at school but tomorrow I might keep writing.

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