part two of "requested :'))"

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Your head was pounding. The room was dim, but the brightness still pained your eyes.
What happened? I tried to do it. I failed. I always fail no matter what. How am I still alive? Why am I still alive? What is this purpose of torturing me to be alive?
Tears streamed down your face. You couldn't even get killing yourself right. That's how pathetic you are. Wow. Suck amazing life for you. A broken sob found its way out of your lips and you looked down at your wrist. Clean. Well only bloody, but no lines. No cuts. Not scratches.  No proof of you commiting the act. Well at least fr the recent act. All your scars feom before were there, just faded. 
Looking over at the digital clock, it shown it deep red numbers, 2:07. Sitting up the door opened.
"Asshole," you muttered standing on wobbly legs.
"Hello to you too, y/n," Cas formally greeted you as always.
"Why? Why the hell did you do it? Why did you save me?! I did it on purpose!" You started screaming at him.
"I did not," he stated plainly.
"Then why am I still here?" You broke down, you didn't want to stay here. You didn't want to keep living to see Dean grow old with another. To see Sam's pity eyes bore into you.
"Jack. Jake brought you back. He somehow found you, he said he remembers his mother trying the same thing you did. He stopped it once and he was going to stop it again."
You were truly speechless. Of course you loved Jack. It was like a little brother to you. And of course, besides Cas, he rathered you over anyone.
"Where is he?" You broke the silence.
Cas looked up at you, "In the kitchen, I made him stay in there. He has been wanting to stay with you since he for you," a small smile found its way to both of y'all faces, "And no, nor Sam or Dean knows of this."
You sighed out, "let's keep it that way," you rubbed your face walking out of the kitchen to see your savoir.
"Hey bud," you leaned against the the doorway watching as he ate his favorite cereal.
"Y/n!" He jumped up and hugged you as tight as he could, you rubbed his back as he left a sob rack throughout his body, "Why? I can't lose you. You're to important to me."
"Atleast I'm important to you," you whispered, "it's okay buddy, you saved me and I'm still here," you kissed the top of his head and told him to go back and eat his food.
I will make a part 3, but y'all tell me how it should end.
Should the boys find out? How should they find out if they do? What is y/n trys again? Will Dean finally realise his feels? Does Dean even have the same feelings?
Okay I really need to do my work now, lmaoo
Love yallll,

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