Chapter 1 Rivers

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Thunder flashed, yowls spread through the rocks. Riverclan and Thunderclan were always fighting over Sunning Rocks. AppleDusk slashed BirchFace's cheek. BirchFace tumbled over, falling into the river. It was flood season, so the river was harsh. FlowerPaw gasped and jumped in after her mentor. They both were washed away from the current.  The next gathering held in place, Riverclan and Thunderclan sat next to each other. MapleShade noticed AppleDusk, and he did too. They scooted closer to each other. MapleShade pressed her muzzle on his chest. ''Hello dear,'' MapleShade meowed softly. ''Hello'' AppleDusk replied, licking behind her ear. They separated, and ReedShine hopped over. ''Hey!'' She smiled at AppleDusk, ''The elders are telling stories about "flying monsters", it's really funny!'' ReedShine pressed the tip of her tail on his cheek. AppleDusk looked to MapleShade and showed a annoyed face. MapleShade giggled, knowing AppleDusk meant that he was annoyed by ReedShine. He followed her, dragging his tail. The next morning, NettlePaw was nudging MapleShade awake, ''Wake up!'' NettlePaw cried. ''I'm up, I'm up. What is it, NettlePaw?'' MapleShade grumbled, but got up. ''BeeTail wants you to go on a dawn patrol with him'' NettlePaw mewed, walking away. MapleShade glanced at her belly, knowing she was expecting kits. ''BeeTail?'' She called, pushing through the cats crowding around him. ''Ah, yes MapleShade?'' He answered in a calm, gentle voice. MapleShade's ears prickled. ''I'm sorry, I can't attend warrior duties.'' She said, licking her paw. ''Hm? Why so?'' BeeTail titled his head. ''For I'm becoming a queen.'' She answered. ''That's wonderful news!'' BeeTail smiled, ''Does their father know about this?''. MapleShade paused for a moment. ''Oh- I'll be raising these kits on my own.'' She finally answered. ''Oh? What happened to the father?'' BeeTail said after sending SweetBriar and FreckleWish on a patrol. ''He...sadly died...'' MapleShade muttered. BeeTail thought for a moment. ''The father must be BirchFace then, right?'' BeeTail seemed surprised, ''He did say he planned on asking a she-cat to be his mate, he didn't say who though.'' BeeTail finished patrols and sat by MapleShade. ''Oh, that's right...he um asked before the battle...I accepted...f else would I have these kits?'' MapleShade sweated, she was lying just to make BeeTail leave her alone.  ''Oh, makes sense. I'll be out with OakStar, fetching moss. I could bring you a extra mouse if you'd like.'' BeeTail sat up, and trotted to OakStar, waiting at the exit. ''Thank you, I'd like that..'' MapleShade sighed, walking back to the nursey. She woke up to BeeTail shaking her gently, ''I have you your mouse, MapleShade.'' He whispered, passing it to her. ''FreckleWish heard and she left you a dove and shrew.'' He silently mewed, walking out. MapleShade got up and ate almost all her food, stopping on hafe of the dove. She flopped over, being to full. FreckleWish stepped in and buried the dove. She licked MapleShade's cheek and whispered, ''Thank you''. She stopped at the exit of the nursey and turned her shoulder. She glanced at MapleShade sleeping peacefully. Then walked out. A few weeks pass and MapleShade is in the medicine cat den, full of pain. ''Relax now, MapleShade.'' RavenWing meowed, reaching for dock and a stick. MapleShade relaxed a bit, much yowled at a jolt of pain through her. ''One's coming,'' RavenWing purred. The pain felt like MapleShade was being ripped to her skeleton, over and over. ''It's a tom!'' RavenWing gasped, passing MapleShade a dark tan tabby kit. MapleShade huddled him close, licking him. She sonly stopped from another jolt of pain. She screeched this time, from it being so painful. FreckleWish pulled over the tom and licked him while RavenWing grabbed the she-cat. A light tan kit this time. ''A she-cat!'' RavenWing meowed and placed her to MapleShade's curved belly. ''One more left, I'm pretty sure.'' RavenWing said. using moss to clean up the bleeding. FreckleWish finished licking the tom and began licking the she-cat. MapleShade didn't feel much pain this time, but it still hurt like a million dogs were biting her legs. ''Another tom!'' Yelped RavenWing. He passed it to MapleShade. He was covered in white, black, and ginger patches, like his mother. When they were finished being licked and cleaned, everyone left. OakStar stepped in, and smiled. ''It's great to have grandchildren.'' He smiled. MapleShade chuckled. ''If only my son could see.'' OakStar mewed. ''OakStar!'' BeeTail darted in, ''Riverclan called another war!''. OakStar rolled his eyes, ''Sunning Rocks?''. ''No!'' BeeTail mewed, ''They have FlowerPaw and BirchFace as prisoners! They lived!'' OakStar and MapleShade gasped. MapleShade grew worry, now her lies would be unraveled. ''I agree, I want my son and his apprentice back.'' He growled. ''I'll be back with their father soon MapleShade,'' BeeTail turned his shoulder before he left, ''I promise I will.'' He left. When they came back, the dropped FlowerPaw on the ground, her bleeding everywhere. The rai poured heavily. BirchFace saw MapleShade and came running up to her. ''MapleShade,'' He whispered, ''I must tell you something.'' MapleShade grabbed him, placing her muzzle on his shoulder. ''You don't have to say, I love you too.'' BirchFace gasped, and licked MapleShade's face. ''There's already kits, you missed it' FreckleWish nudged him. ''Kits? That fast?'' MapleShade shrugged, ''Guess Starclan brought them early!'' They all laughed. MapleShade was in the next battle, and AppleDusk was there. He pulled her away from the war. ''MapleShade,'' He said sternly. ''I don't love you anymore!'' He growled, throwing her to a tree. ''W-Why?!'' MapleShade was confused. ''I have ReedShine, you were a test.'' He scoffed, ''I'd never fall in love with a Thunderclan ca-'' MapleShade gasped and BirchFace leaped on AppleDusk, ripping into his shoulder. AppleDusk turned and slashed BirchFace's next. MapleShade screamed in terror. AppleDusk hopped on the biggest rock of Sunning Rocks. ''MAPLESHADE AND BIRCHFACE ARE DEAD!'' He seemed proud. MapleShade ran off, crying. FreckleWish gasped, and made everyone retreat. FreckleWish ran into the nursey, holding PatchKit, LarchKit, and PetalKit close, crying her eyes out. 

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