Chapter 3 Snake Bites

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MapleShade was wandering in the forest while Roger went out with Myler. Myler said they were going to the farmer's market to get fruit. While she was walking, she stumbled apon Snake Rocks. She glanced over, FreckleWish was on a patrol. This meant PatchPaw, LarchPaw, and PetalPaw were new apprentices, she wondered who their mentors were. FreckleWish walked away from the patrol, to Snake Rocks. MapleShade was sitting on the biggest rock. ''M-MapleShade?!'' FreckleWish gasped. ''Your kits! They are wonderful apprentices..! BeeTail is training PetalPaw, OakStar LarchPaw and me, PatchPaw!" Frecklewish smiled.  MapleShade stood, helpless. FreckleWish tilted her head. ''I'm fine where I am...'' MapleShade sighed. A slight slither echoed through the rocks. ''And looks like your time is up.'' MapleShade muttered. ''Oh no! Adders...MapleShade, help!'' FreckleWish cried. ''Sorry, Starclan chose this.'' MapleShade sat and watched. FreckleWish  looked to a rock to jump on, but then...a jap of pain was in her eye. The adder jumped and bit her eye. MapleShade yowled, ''HELP! FRECKLEWISH IS DYING!''. BloomHeart and BeeTail came running over. ''No! Get RavenWing!'' BeeTail cried. MapleShade walked away by time they were there, but she knew FreckleWish was dead. When MapleShade returned, she waited at lest a hour before Myler finally came home, by then it was pouring. ''Hi MapleShade! Did you have fun?'' Myler asked, white Roger threw over a turkey slice. MapleShade jumped up and caught it in her mouth. ''Wow! Now Roger will train you for the "Kitty Paws Games"!'' Myler smiled. ''Kitty Paws Games?'' MapleShade mumbled while scoffing down her food. ''Yeah! I was there once! I didn't win...but cat's fight there!''. Myler smiled, ''That's were I got my cool scar from!''. MapleShade always wondered why Myler had a scar running down his face. They start in April, in a week!'' Myler hopped on a hay barrel. He yawned, and fell asleep. Roger came over and patted MapleShade's head, and then MapleShade fell asleep.

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