Chapter 12 Little Kit

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MapleStar layed in her den, her belly larger then it should be. She got up and noticed her curved stomach. PatchClaw walked in and saw her. ''Kits?'' He raised a cat-brow. ''Mhm'' MapleStar nodded, smiling. PatchClaw purred and licked her cheek. She smiled. MapleStar walked out of her den, looking around to the cats with the new apprentices. Then, OakStar stomped into camp. ''MapleStar!'' He shouted. MapleStar jumped off wet rock, ''Yes?'' She smiled. ''My medicine cat has been defeated. We don't know how, but we ask for your mercy..'' He mewed. Cloudberry stepped out of her den, ''I shall go. My apprentice is good. MilkFur will do just fine.'' Cloudberry mewed as her apprentice, MilkFur, the daughter of the MilkFur MapleStar killed. ''She'll treat you guys well.'' Cloudberry followed OakStar to Thunderclan where she'll take over duties until she has a apprentice from them. MapleStar was defeated as she saw her more better medicine cat leave for a clan that left her due to a lie. Moons later MapleStar was in the medicine cat den with MilkFur, ready to have her kits. ''They're coming!'' MilkFur mewed. MapleStar hissed to herself; Well, I can tell myself!  MapleStar yowled as a kit started coming. ''One's coming..! Grab me some dock, PatchClaw!''  PatchClaw quickly grabbed a dock leaf and handed it to MilkFur. MapleStar yowled as the kit slipped out. ''A tom!'' MilkFur mewed. MapleStar licked her kit. A tom, a white tom, with beaming green eyes and ginger paws and a black tail. MilkFur gasped, ''A-a single kit...a bad omen...'' She whispered under her breath. MapleStar narrowed her eyes to MilkFur, ''Would you care?'' She hissed. MilkFur stepped back, ''Sorry...'' PatchClaw walked over and curled around with MapleStar. ''He's beautiful, what shall we name him?'' MapleStar shifted her eyes to her mate, ''I was thinking...ShadowKit?'' PatchClaw nodded, ''That's a amazing name.'' MapleStar licked the top of her son's head. Three moons later, ThornKit was walking through the nursey and looked to his mother. ''Morning, ShadowKit.'' MapleStar yawned. ''Morning mama!'' He cheered, waddling to his father. ''Hey little fluffy.'' PatchClaw smiled. ShadowKit smiled and walked around camp.

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