Chapter 6 Revealed Secrets

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MapleShade wasn't finished, ReedShine couldn't have those kits, she couldn't. MapleShade went out of the barn really late at night. When she got to Riverclan camp, she pulled ReedShine to the barn. When ReedShine awoke, Myler and MapleShade stared down at her. ''Had the kitties yet~?'' MapleShade waved her tail. ''Y-Yes, and I'll make sure they live to AppleDusk's great loyalty!'' ReedShine snarled. I was too late, MapleShade thought and she looked to Myler. ''Hold her down.'' Myler nodded and did as ordered. ''W-Wha? What are y-you gonna do me?!'' ReedShine panicked. ''You deserve the same punishment as AppleDusk.'' MapleShade smiled. ''B-but I have kits to raise!'' ReedShine yelped. ''And I would be raising MINE if it weren't for your fox-hearted "mate"!'' MapleShade snapped at her. ReedShine struggled, then Myler put his front paws on her, holding her down with his claws. ''Stay still!'' He grunted. ReedShine looked up to MapleShade. MapleShade would see the terror and worry in her eyes. ''P-Please..! I beg o-of you MapleShade...! L-let me live, I'll convince D-DarkStar to make you deputy...or just l-let you join...j-just please..!! LET ME LIVE!'' She cried. MapleShade scoffed. ''I don't need that! I just need the justice deserved...and I'll make sure it happens!'' MapleShade snarled, biting into ReedShine's neck. ReedShine screeched and went limp. Myler let her go and he tumbled to the floor. Her neck flowing the a river. MapleShade bathed her paws in victory. Myler yowled and licked MapleShade's cheek. MapleShade nuzzled him and picked up ReedShine's body. She dragged her all the way back to Riverclan, right dead center of their camp, making sure her smell was all over it. She knew when she woke up, Riverclan would be hunting her down. Went she told Myler she was gonna go walk, she purposely walked by Riverclan, of course. A black tom noticed her and leapt on her. ''Back at it again, huh PerchPaw?'' The plump cat was surprised the she-cat still remembered him. ''It's PerchWing now you mouse-brain!'' The newly warrior snarled. ''What a stupid name.'' MapleShade laughed, kicking the apprentice off. A white she-cat, MilkFur, emerged from the clearing. ''How dare you kill ReedShine, MapleShade! You're lucky that I can care for them now.'' The white warrior narrowed her eyes. ''I didn't want the kits!'' MapleShade snarled. ''I just wanted this forest to know, my destruction could've been avoided if you would just not blame everything one me!'' MapleShade snarled, starting to tear up. ''AppleDusk killed BirchFace, the REAL father of the kits I HAD! I didn't even LOVE AppleDusk, he was just there because I thought I could just leave the fox-hearted clan I was in! I didn't care that ReedShine and AppleDusk became mates! I would've been happy!'' MapleShade kept on ranting, hoping the warrior would feel sympathy. ''You killed my mentor!'' PerchWing added. ''I HAD to teach that idiot not to mess with a Thunderclan cat! And looking down to me, saying it's MY FAULT MY KITS DIED, NOT HIS KITS, AND EVEN CALLED ME AND THE KITS IDIOTS!'' MapleShade screeched. MilkFur gasped, not knowing the whole story. ''O-Oh, MapleShade I had- We'd better tell DarkStar this.'' MilkFur turned her head to PerchWing. ''B-but-'' PerchWing stopped and looked to MapleShade, who was full out crying. ''Fine...'' He sighed, lashing his tail. When MapleShade entered Riverclan camp, growls and snarls echoed through the clearing as DarkStar stepped down from wet rock. ''Why is she here?'' DarkStar's voice shook the earth. 'DarkStar, everything AppleDusk said was a lie, the real father of the kits was BirchFace. There's so much more that needs to be uncovered.  DarkStar nodded, ''MapleShade,'' She began, ''You will join this clan, anything to add?'' MapleShade nodded, ''I have a mate in the barn, may he join too?'' DarkStar nodded, ''Go grab him.'' MapleShade darted out of camp and brought Myler back. ''Roger's gonna be upset.'' Myler mewed. ''Roger is on his ledge at life, at lest he's lived his happiness with us.'' MapleShade mewed. When DarkStar called a meeting, MapleShade noticed the deputy, SpikeTail, was missing. ''As we have two cats joining us today, Myler and MapleShade. MapleShade is a full grown warrior, so she'll keep her name and warrior role. For the kitty-pet, he will be made a apprentice. From this day forward, he shall be PatchPaw, his mentor will be MapleShade.'' Tiny chants ran through the crowd. ''After our loss of AppleDusk, Riverclan is in need of a new deputy, and I know what cat is up for the task.'' DarkStar turned her head to MapleShade. ''MapleShade, for do you accept?'' MapleShade gasped, shocked. ''Yes, with great honor.'' ''Then Starclan light your path.'' DarkStar mewed, PatchPaw went over and  nuzzled her. ''Congrats.''

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