Chapter 2 Broken Light

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MapleShade ran into the barn, and was stopped by a kitty-pet. He turned and smiled. ''Hi!'' The kitty-pet smiled. ''I'm Myler! You?'' He hopped from paw to paw. ''M-Me..? Oh um...I'm MapleShade...'' MapleShade was still stunned from the battle. ''Wow! You're really hurt! Let's get you fixed up!'' Myler trotted to his twoleg, who was brushing a horse. MapleShade looked down, her neck was dripping blood. The twoleg turned it's head and gasped when it saw MapleShade. It mumbled something and picked her up. MapleShade was too tired to refuse. It was night by the time the twoleg returned to the barn in a monster. When the twoleg opened the monster door, MapleShade darted out and ran to the barn at a surprising speed. The twoleg was surprised, but smiled. Myler chased after. ''Woah-'' He huffed, ''You're fast!'' He smiled. MapleShade shrugged, ''I was trained that way. I learned to run from threats if you're that desperate.''. Myler looked confused, ''But Roger wasn't gonna hurt you!''. ''Roger, huh? That's what you call your twoleg?'' MapleShade said, making a pile of hay. ''That's his name, silly!'' Myler trotted over. MapleShade lyied down. ''Cool.'' She mumbled. Her stomach growled. ''Any shrews or doves around here?'' She looked up. ''Shrews? Doves?'' Myler meowed, confused. ''We don't eat those! I eat sliced turkey Roger gives me! Or if I'm lucky, he'll let me catch a mouse.'' Myler said staring at a mouse hole. ''Oh, what's turkey?'' MapleShade groomed her paw.  ''Roger says it's a bird from fields, maybe one day you can hunt it!'' Myler smiled. ''Oh,' MapleShade sighed, ''Cool.''. "Roger" came out with a baggy. ''Turkey!'' Myler cheered and darted over. Roger gave Myler a few turkey slices, and called MapleShade over. While MapleShade was eating the turkey, what was pretty good, Roger snapped a maple-colored collar around her. ''Oh, he named you Maple Syrup! How silly!'' Myler smiled and ate his last slice of turkey. ''What's maple syrup?'' MapleShade finished her piece. ''It's something sweet, like honey!'' Myler smiled. ''Nice,'' MapleShade ate the rest of her turkey. The next day, Myler and MapleShade ran through the fields, laughing and smiling. MapleShade jumped on Myler. ''Oh no! She got me! Ahhhh!!'' Myler laughed. ''And now I'm gonna eat you!'' MapleShade laughed. ''Ahh! It's a big bad fox! Help!'' Myler rolled over, laughing. MapleShade sniffed the air, Windclan . MapleShade noticed they were on Windclan territory. SwiftFlight snarled then gasped. ''MapleShade?! Everyone thought you died! We even heard at the gathering!''. MapleShade shrugged, ''AppleDusk was lying because I wouldn't become his mate.''. SwiftFlight smiled, ''We can bring you back! FreckleWish has been crying for days!''. MapleShade shook her head, ''No, I'm fine. I'm sure FreckleWish will take great care of my kits.'' Myler looked to her. ''I live in the barn now, it's more peaceful. I'm "Maple Syrup" now I guess.'' MapleShade shrugged. ''Oh...should I tell FreckleWish..?'' SwiftFlight tilted their head. ''Tell her I lived, but I'm living at the barn and I'm in no shape to even walk.'' MapleShade turned and walked off. ''Alright! Bye!'' SwiftFlight called after, running back. MapleShade yawned, and looked to Myler. Myler seemed restless and always wanting to play. ''What next?'' He smiled. ''How about we ask Roger for some food? I'm starving.'' MapleShade sighed. Myler nodded and they both ran to the barn. Roger was petting the horse he was brushing yesterday. Myler pawed and Roger's legs. Roger yelped something and went to the back of the barn. ''Yay! He's getting turkey!'' Myler smiled. ''Great, cause turkey's my new favorite!'' MapleShade smiled, bouncing over. MapleShade did quite like the turkey. Roger came back with a baggy and pulled of a few turkey slices. He put five in a green bowl that said "MYLER" and put five in a new, maple-red bowl with "MAPLE SRYUP" on it. After they both ate, Roger cleaned their bowls and poured water inside. MapleShade gulped down the water. MapleShade finished first and hopped on a empty stall door. Myler finished and bounced over. ''Heya, wanna go play tag?'' Myler smiled pawing at the barn doors. ''It's dark out though.'' MapleShade giggled. ''Aw man!'' Myler sighed, hopping on a hay stack. ''Well, night!'' He smiled, before lying down. MapleShade hopped on the hay stack next to Myler, but they weren't touching. She rested her head on her paws. She couldn't decide, BirchFace or AppleDusk? 

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